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Метрики оценки качества моделей и анализ ошибок в машинном обучении


Одним из критически важных шагов при создании хорошей модели является правильный выбор метрики для оценки её качества, поскольку неправильный выбор может привести к неверным выводам и, как следствие, к принятию не самых оптимальных решений. Поэтому на сегодняшний день существует большое количество метрик, подходящих для самых разных задач и ситуаций.

В данном туториале будут рассмотрены популярные метрики для задач классификации, регрессии и кластеризации, а также инструмент для анализа ошибки модели, известный как bias-variance decomposition. Помимо этого, для большей части метрик будут представлены ручные расчёты и реализация с нуля на Python, а в конце вы сможете найти дополнительные источники для более глубокого ознакомления.

🔔 Несколько полезных ссылок перед тем как продолжить:


Метрики классификации

Для простоты понимания рассмотрим бинарный случай. Однако, перед этим стоит тщательно ознакомиться с матрицей ошибок (confusion matrix) и её компонентами, представленными на изображении ниже.


На главной диагонали расположены правильно классифицированные положительные (TP) и отрицательные (TN) классы, а на побочной — неправильно классифицированные, которые ещё называются ошибками первого (FP) и второго (FN) рода. Теперь обучим логистическую регрессию на датасете Breast Cancer Wisconsin и построим на основе её прогнозов данную матрицу. Однако, перед этим стоит упомянуть, что в scikit-learn порядок компонентов матрицы ошибок немного отличается от изображения выше, но это не меняет сути происходящего:

| TN \ \ FP | \\ | FN  \ \ TP |

Импорт необходимых библиотек

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from sklearn.metrics import (accuracy_score, precision_score, recall_score, f1_score,
                             fbeta_score, roc_curve, roc_auc_score, precision_recall_curve,
                             auc, average_precision_score, classification_report)

Загрузка датасета

df_path = "/content/drive/MyDrive/breast_cancer.csv"
breast_cancer = pd.read_csv(df_path)
breast_cancer.drop(columns=['id','Unnamed: 32'], inplace=True)

X = breast_cancer.drop(columns='diagnosis', axis=1)
y = breast_cancer['diagnosis']
y = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(y)

# 1 - Malignant, 0 - Benign
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=0)

    diagnosis  radius_mean  texture_mean  perimeter_mean  area_mean  \
0           M        17.99         10.38          122.80     1001.0   
1           M        20.57         17.77          132.90     1326.0   
2           M        19.69         21.25          130.00     1203.0   
3           M        11.42         20.38           77.58      386.1   
4           M        20.29         14.34          135.10     1297.0   
..        ...          ...           ...             ...        ...   
564         M        21.56         22.39          142.00     1479.0   
565         M        20.13         28.25          131.20     1261.0   
566         M        16.60         28.08          108.30      858.1   
567         M        20.60         29.33          140.10     1265.0   
568         B         7.76         24.54           47.92      181.0   

     smoothness_mean  compactness_mean  concavity_mean  concave points_mean  \
0            0.11840           0.27760         0.30010              0.14710   
1            0.08474           0.07864         0.08690              0.07017   
2            0.10960           0.15990         0.19740              0.12790   
3            0.14250           0.28390         0.24140              0.10520   
4            0.10030           0.13280         0.19800              0.10430   
..               ...               ...             ...                  ...   
564          0.11100           0.11590         0.24390              0.13890   
565          0.09780           0.10340         0.14400              0.09791   
566          0.08455           0.10230         0.09251              0.05302   
567          0.11780           0.27700         0.35140              0.15200   
568          0.05263           0.04362         0.00000              0.00000   

     symmetry_mean  ...  radius_worst  texture_worst  perimeter_worst  \
0           0.2419  ...        25.380          17.33           184.60   
1           0.1812  ...        24.990          23.41           158.80   
2           0.2069  ...        23.570          25.53           152.50   
3           0.2597  ...        14.910          26.50            98.87   
4           0.1809  ...        22.540          16.67           152.20   
..             ...  ...           ...            ...              ...   
564         0.1726  ...        25.450          26.40           166.10   
565         0.1752  ...        23.690          38.25           155.00   
566         0.1590  ...        18.980          34.12           126.70   
567         0.2397  ...        25.740          39.42           184.60   
568         0.1587  ...         9.456          30.37            59.16   

     area_worst  smoothness_worst  compactness_worst  concavity_worst  \
0        2019.0           0.16220            0.66560           0.7119   
1        1956.0           0.12380            0.18660           0.2416   
2        1709.0           0.14440            0.42450           0.4504   
3         567.7           0.20980            0.86630           0.6869   
4        1575.0           0.13740            0.20500           0.4000   
..          ...               ...                ...              ...   
564      2027.0           0.14100            0.21130           0.4107   
565      1731.0           0.11660            0.19220           0.3215   
566      1124.0           0.11390            0.30940           0.3403   
567      1821.0           0.16500            0.86810           0.9387   
568       268.6           0.08996            0.06444           0.0000   

     concave points_worst  symmetry_worst  fractal_dimension_worst  
0                  0.2654          0.4601                  0.11890  
1                  0.1860          0.2750                  0.08902  
2                  0.2430          0.3613                  0.08758  
3                  0.2575          0.6638                  0.17300  
4                  0.1625          0.2364                  0.07678  
..                    ...             ...                      ...  
564                0.2216          0.2060                  0.07115  
565                0.1628          0.2572                  0.06637  
566                0.1418          0.2218                  0.07820  
567                0.2650          0.4087                  0.12400  
568                0.0000          0.2871                  0.07039  

[569 rows x 31 columns]

Обучение и прогноз модели логистической регрессии

model = LogisticRegression(max_iter=10000)
model.fit(X_train, y_train)
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)

[1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0
 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0
 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1]

Построение и визуализация confusion matrix

conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)

sns.heatmap(conf_matrix, annot=True, fmt='d', cmap='Reds')
plt.title('Confusion Matrix')
plt.xlabel('Predicted Label')
plt.ylabel('True Label')

Глядя на полученную матрицу ошибок, мы имеем следующее:

  • (True Positive) — 52 человека классифицированы как больные и они такими являются, то есть классифицированы верно;

  • (True Negative) — 84 человека классифицированы как здоровые и они такими являются, то есть также классифицированы верно;

  • (False Positive) — 6 человек классифицированы как больные (то есть имеют злокачественную опухоль), но они здоровые (то есть опухоль доброкачественная);

  • (False Negative) — 1 человек определён как здоровый, но он болен (то есть имеет злокачественную опухоль).

Теперь можно переходить к самим метрикам.


Самым простым способом оценить качество модели является Accuracy или точность, которая отражает долю правильно спрогнозированных классов среди всех образцов:

\text{Accuracy} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} I [y_i = \hat y_i] = \frac{TP + TN}{TP + TN + FP + FN}

Теперь получим значение Accuracy для нашего примера:

\frac{52 + 84}{52 + 84 + 6 + 1} = 0.951048951048951

Отсюда также можно определить долю ошибочных классификаций Error rate, которая показывает напрямую, как часто модель совершает ошибки:

1 - \text{Accuracy} = 1 - 0.951048951048951 = 0.04895104895104896
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
error_rate = 1 - accuracy
print(f'Accuracy: {accuracy}')
print(f'Error rate: {error_rate}')

Accuracy: 0.951048951048951
Error rate: 0.04895104895104896

Не смотря на свою простоту и универсальность, Accuracy имеет ряд серьёзных недостатков:

  • не учитывает дисбаланс классов: если один класс значительно преобладает над другим, то модель может быть смещена в его сторону, и тогда высокая точность не будет отражать истинное качество модели;

  • не даёт информацию о типе ошибок модели, например, о количестве ложноположительных и ложноотрицательных результатов, что не позволяет учитывать цену ошибки для разных классов;

  • зависит от порога классификации, изменение которого может значительно повлиять на значение точности.

Далее будут рассмотрены метрики, в которых устраняются данные недостатки.


Характеризует долю правильно предсказанных положительных классов среди всех образцов, которые модель спрогнозировала как положительный класс:

\text{Precision} = TPR = \frac{TP}{TP + FP} = \frac{52}{52 + 6} = 0.896551724137931
precision = precision_score(y_test, y_pred)


Recall (TPR)

Ещё известное как True Positive Rate, отражает долю правильно предсказанных положительных классов среди всех реальных положительных образцов:

\text{Recall} = \frac{TP}{TP + FN} = \frac{52}{52 + 1} = 0.9811320754716981
recall = recall_score(y_test, y_pred)


Чем меньше ложноотрицательных прогнозов, тем выше Recall или TPR. В контексте рака груди, данные метрики являются ещё более важными, чем предыдущая, поскольку показывают какое число злокачественных опухолей удалось действительно выявить.


False Positive Rate характеризует долю ошибочно предсказанных положительных классов среди всех образцов, которые на самом деле являются отрицательным классом. Другими словами, это показывает, как часто модель неверно прогнозирует наличие заболевания (в случае рака груди), когда его на самом деле нет (доброкачественные образцы, ошибочно идентифицированные как раковые от всех реальных доброкачественных случаев).

Для лучшего понимания только что описанных метрик стоит ознакомиться с изображением ниже.



Представляет собой гармоническое среднее между Precision и Recall, обеспечивая между ними баланс, что особенно полезно при неравномерном распределении классов. Использование данной метрики позволяет лучше выбрать модель, которая не только точно классифицирует злокачественные случаи, но и минимизирует количество пропущенных злокачественных опухолей.

\text{F1-score} = 2 \cdot \frac{precision \cdot recall}{precision + recall} \approx 2 \frac{0.8966 \cdot 0.9811}{0.8966 + 0.9811} \approx 0.936948671246738
f1 = f1_score(y_test, y_pred)


Стоит добавить, что F1-score исходит из предположения, что Precision и Recall имеют одинаковую важность. Если же необходимо придать большее значение (вес) одной из метрик, то можно воспользоваться \text{F}_{\beta}- score:

\text{F}_{\beta}= (1 + \beta^2) \cdot \frac{precision \cdot recall}{\beta^2 \cdot precision + recall}

При \beta > 1 большее значение придаётся Recall, а при \beta < 1 — Precision. Другими словами, если мы хотим сфокусироваться больше на действительно обнаруженных опухолях, то мы увеличиваем \beta, если же мы хотим избежать ложноположительных прогнозов (то есть когда у человека нет рака, а модель прогнозирует, что есть), то мы уменьшаем \beta. Например, при \beta = 2 получим следующее:

F_2 \approx (1 + 2^2) \cdot \frac{0.8966 \cdot 0.9811}{2^2 \cdot 0.8966 + 0.9811} \approx 0.9629493814997262
f2 = fbeta_score(y_test, y_pred, beta=2)



Все предыдущие метрики позволяют оценить качество модели только при определённом пороге классификации. В случае, когда необходимо оценить качество модели при различных пороговых значениях, используется AUC-площадь (Area Under Curve) под ROC-кривой (Receiver Operating Characteristics curve), выраженной через отношение доли истинно положительных прогнозов (TPR) к доли ложноположительных (FPR).


В идеальном случае ROC-кривая будет стремиться в верхний левый угол (TPR=1 и FPR=0), а площадь под ней (AUC) будет равна единице. При значении площади 0.5 качество прогнозов модели будет сопоставимо случайному угадыванию, ну а если это значение меньше 0.5, то, модель лучше предсказывает результаты, противоположные истинным — в таком случае нужно просто поменять целевые метки местами для получения площади больше 0.5.

Для лучшего понимания построим данную метрику с нуля. В общем виде процесс состоит из следующих шагов:

  • 1) сначала предсказанные моделью вероятности быть положительным классом сортируются в порядке убывания и принимаются как пороговые значения;

  • 2) для каждого порога выполняется классификация (бинаризация) меток на 1 и 0, а на их основе рассчитываются FPR и TPR;

  • 3) полученные FPR и TPR используются для расчёта AUC с помощью метода трапеций, который выглядит следующим образом:

AUC = \sum_{i=1}^{n-1} \frac{TPR_i + TPR_{i+1}}{2} (FPR_{i+1} - FPR_i)

Однако такой процесс является неэффективным, поскольку при построении ROC-кривой используются все пороги, большинство из которых неоптимальные. Что это означает? При построении графика между двумя точками проводится прямая и если между ними есть ещё одна точка, расположенная на том же уровне, то она не будет отображаться на построенной ROC-кривой. Именно подобного рода точки называются неоптимальными. Следовательно, для построения ROC-кривой и расчёта площади под ней достаточно знать лишь угловые точки, что помимо прочего позволит строить более лёгкие ROC-кривые. Для поиска оптимальных значений необходимо выполнить следующие шаги:

  • 1) для каждого отсортированного в порядке убывания порога выполняется бинаризация меток, на основе которых рассчитываются FP и TP;

  • 2) для полученных FP и TP рассчитывается вторая разница между соседними значениями, которая выступает в качестве второй производной;

  • 3) в местах, где вторая производная не равна нулю, будут расположены угловые точки;

  • 4) позиции в списке угловых точек используются для поиска оптимальных порогов, FP и TP;

  • 5) к списку оптимальных FP и TP добавляются нули в начало, чтобы ROC-кривая всегда начиналась в точке (0, 0); а к списку оптимальных порогов в начало добавляется максимальное значение y_score + 1, чтобы ROC-кривая заканчивалась в единице даже если все образцы неверно классифицированы;

  • 6) на основе полученных оптимальных значений FP и TP рассчитываются оптимальные FPR и TPR, которые в дальнейшем используются для расчёта AUC с помощью метода трапеций.

Реализация с нуля

def binary_roc_curve(y_true, y_score):
    thresholds = np.sort(y_score)[::-1]
    tps = np.array([])   # True positives
    fps = np.array([])   # False positives

    for threshold in thresholds:
        # predictions binarization by each threshold
        y_pred = (y_score >= threshold).astype(int)
        tp = np.sum((y_true == 1) & (y_pred == 1))
        fp = np.sum((y_true == 0) & (y_pred == 1))
        tps = np.append(tps, tp)
        fps = np.append(fps, fp)

    # find optimal (corner) points (thresholds)
    corner_point = True
    d2_fps = np.diff(fps, 2)   # is used as a "second derivative"
    d2_tps = np.diff(tps, 2)
    is_corner_points = np.r_[corner_point, np.logical_or(d2_fps, d2_tps), corner_point]
    optimal_indexes = np.where(is_corner_points == corner_point)[0]

    # add an extra threshold position to optimal values to make sure that the curve starts
    # at (0, 0) and also ends in 1 even if all samples are incorrectly classified
    optimal_fps = np.r_[0, fps[optimal_indexes]]
    optimal_tps = np.r_[0, tps[optimal_indexes]]
    optimal_thresholds = np.r_[max(y_score) + 1, thresholds[optimal_indexes]]

    optimal_fpr = optimal_fps / optimal_fps[-1]
    optimal_tpr = optimal_tps / optimal_tps[-1]

    return optimal_fpr, optimal_tpr, optimal_thresholds

def area_by_trapz(y, x):
    dx = np.diff(x)   # height

    return 0.5 * ((y[1:] + y[:-1]) * dx).sum()

def binary_roc_auc_score(y_test, y_pred):
    fpr, tpr, _ = binary_roc_curve(y_test, y_pred)

    return area_by_trapz(tpr, fpr)

y_pred_probas = model.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1]
roc_auc = binary_roc_auc_score(y_test, y_pred_probas)
fpr, tpr, thresholds = binary_roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_probas)

print(f'AUC: {roc_auc}', '', sep='\n')
print('Optimal False Positive Rates:', fpr, '', sep='\n')
print('Optimal True Positive Rates:', tpr, '', sep='\n')
print('Optimal thresholds:', thresholds, sep='\n')

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
plt.plot(fpr, tpr, label=f'ROC Curve (AUC = {roc_auc})', color='fuchsia')
plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'r--')  # Dashed diagonal line
plt.fill_between(fpr, tpr, color='lightblue', alpha=0.9)
plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate')
plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
plt.title('ROC Curve')
plt.legend(loc='lower right')

AUC: 0.9951781970649896

Optimal False Positive Rates:
[0.         0.         0.         0.01111111 0.01111111 0.04444444
 0.04444444 0.12222222 0.12222222 1.        ]

Optimal True Positive Rates:
[0.         0.01886792 0.86792453 0.86792453 0.94339623 0.94339623
 0.98113208 0.98113208 1.         1.        ]

Optimal thresholds:
[2.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00 9.39251068e-01 9.28758892e-01
 8.62519599e-01 7.34708679e-01 6.73824037e-01 2.39038287e-01
 2.23663185e-01 1.80054591e-06]

Реализация scikit-learn

sk_roc_auc = roc_auc_score(y_test, y_pred_probas)
sk_fpr, sk_tpr, sk_thresholds = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_probas)

print(f'AUC (scikit-learn): {sk_roc_auc}', '', sep='\n')
print('Optimal False Positive Rates (scikit-learn):', sk_fpr, '', sep='\n')
print('Optimal True Positive Rates (scikit-learn):', sk_tpr, '', sep='\n')
print('Optimal thresholds (scikit-learn):', sk_thresholds, sep='\n')

AUC (scikit-learn): 0.9951781970649896

Optimal False Positive Rates (scikit-learn):
[0.         0.         0.         0.01111111 0.01111111 0.04444444
 0.04444444 0.12222222 0.12222222 1.        ]

Optimal True Positive Rates (scikit-learn):
[0.         0.01886792 0.86792453 0.86792453 0.94339623 0.94339623
 0.98113208 0.98113208 1.         1.        ]

Optimal thresholds (scikit-learn):
[2.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00 9.39251068e-01 9.28758892e-01
 8.62519599e-01 7.34708679e-01 6.73824037e-01 2.39038287e-01
 2.23663185e-01 1.80054591e-06]

ROC-AUC имеет смысл использовать в задачах, где важны не столько предсказанные классы, сколько их правильный вероятностный порядок. Например, у нас есть онлайн-кинотеатр и мы хотим узнать какие пользователи будут продлевать месячную подписку. На первый взгляд может показаться, что эта обычная бинарная классификация и нужно просто предсказать метки, однако более полезным вариантом будет упорядочивание клиентов по вероятности отмены подписки, чтобы в дальнейшем использовать различные стратегии для их удержания.

Отсюда может сложиться впечатление, что ROC-AUC является хорошей метрикой для задач ранжирования, однако не всё так просто, как может показаться на первый взгляд. Дело в том, что ROC-AUC не очень хорошо справляется с сильным дисбалансом классов, поскольку учитывает истинно отрицательные случаи (TN), что вытекает из расчётов FPR. Проще говоря, модель может показать высокий TPR, но при этом также иметь большое количество ложноположительных предсказаний (FPR).

PR-AUC и Average Precision (AP)

В таком случае можно использовать площадь в осях Precision Recall, известную как PR-AUC, которая лучше подходит для данных с сильным дисбалансом классов. Это связано с тем, что PR-AUC фокусируется на соотношении истинно положительных и ложноотрицательных результатов, что отражает лучше способность модели правильно определять положительные классы и, следовательно, лучше справляться в задачах ранжирования, где это необходимо в первую очередь. Например, если мы хотим показать пользователю наиболее релевантные фильмы, PR-AUC будет лучше учитывать действительно интересные для пользователя фильмы (TP), в то время как ROC-AUC может учесть наименее интересные фильмы (TN). Также стоит добавить, что в отличие от ROC-AUC, на графике PR-AUC будет стремиться в правый верхний угол, а её нахождение выполняется следующим образом:

precisions, recalls, _ = precision_recall_curve(y_test, y_pred_probas)
pr_auc_score = auc(recalls, precisions)


Однако и здесь не всё так просто, поскольку расчёт PR-AUC также основан на методе трапеций, который, в свою очередь, использует линейную интерполяцию. Что в этом может быть плохого? Если интерполяцию между двумя точками в ROC-пространстве можно выполнить, просто соединив их прямой линией, то в PR-пространстве интерполяция может иметь более сложную связь. При изменении уровня Recall, метрика Precision не обязательно будет изменяться линейно, поскольку FP заменяет FN в знаменателе Precision. В таком случае линейная интерполяция является ошибочной и может давать слишком оптимистичную оценку качества модели. Проще говоря, в случае PR-AUC такой подход может считать завышенную площадь под кривой.

Поэтому в scikit-learn существует альтернативная (и очень схожая) метрика, которая называется Average Precision. Её основное отличие как раз и заключается в том, что для расчёта не используется линейная интерполяция. Вместо этого кривая Precision-Recall суммируется как средневзвешенное значение Precisions, полученное для каждого порога, а в качестве веса используется увеличение Recall по сравнению с предыдущим порогом:

\text{AP} = \sum_n (R_n - R_{n-1}) P_n
ap_score = average_precision_score(y_test, y_pred_probas)


Когда классов больше двух

Обычно задача классификации на K классов сводится к отделению класса k от всех остальных с последующим расчётом consufion matrix для каждого из них. В таком случае для получения итогового значения метрики можно применить усреднённые методы:

  • 1) Микро-усреднение (micro-averaging) является эквивалентом accuracy и подходит при сбалансированных классах. Элементы consufion matrix усредняются между бинарными прогнозами для каждого класса, после чего метрики рассчитываются на полученной матрице. На примере Precision и Recall это выглядит следующим образом:

\text{Precision}_{\text{(micro)}} = \frac{\sum_{k=1}^{K} \text{TP}_k}{\sum_{k=1}^{K} (\text{TP}_k + \text{FP}_k)} \\ \text{Recall}_{\text{(micro)}} = \frac{\sum_{k=1}^{K} \text{TP}_k}{\sum_{k=1}^{K} (\text{TP}_k + \text{FN}_k)}
  • 2) Макро-усреднение (macro-averaging) представляет собой среднее арифметическое подсчитанной метрики для каждого класса и используется при дисбалансе классов, когда важен каждый класс. В таком случае все классы учитываются равномерно независимо от их размера:

\text{Precision}_{\text{(macro)}} = \frac{1}{K} \sum_{k=1}^{K} \frac{\text{TP}_k}{\text{TP}_k + \text{FP}_k} \\ \text{Recall}_{\text{(macro)}} = \frac{1}{K} \sum_{k=1}^{K} \frac{\text{TP}_k}{\text{TP}_k + \text{FN}_k}
  • 3) Взвешенное усреднение (weighted averaging) рассчитывается как взвешенное среднее и также применяется в случае дисбаланса классов, но только когда важность класса учитывается в зависимости от количества объектов с таким классом, то есть когда важны наибольшие классы. При таком подходе важность каждого класса учитывается с присвоением им весов. Вес класса w_k может устанавливаться по-разному, например, как доля примеров этого класса в обучающей выборке:

\text{Precision}_{\text{(weighted)}} = \sum_{k=1}^{K} w_k \cdot \frac{\text{TP}_k}{\text{TP}_k + \text{FP}_k} \\ \text{Recall}_{\text{(weighted)}} = \sum_{i=1}^{K} w_k \cdot \frac{\text{TP}_k}{\text{TP}_k + \text{FN}_k}

Для лучшего понимания рассмотрим пример с подсчётом наиболее популярных метрик на данных Red Wine Quality. Для этого воспользуемся функцией classification_repot из scikit-learn.

Загрузка датасета

red_wine = pd.read_csv("/content/drive/MyDrive/winequality-red.csv")

X = red_wine.drop(columns='quality', axis=1)
y = red_wine['quality']

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=0)

      fixed acidity  volatile acidity  citric acid  residual sugar  chlorides  \
0               7.4             0.700         0.00             1.9      0.076   
1               7.8             0.880         0.00             2.6      0.098   
2               7.8             0.760         0.04             2.3      0.092   
3              11.2             0.280         0.56             1.9      0.075   
4               7.4             0.700         0.00             1.9      0.076   
...             ...               ...          ...             ...        ...   
1594            6.2             0.600         0.08             2.0      0.090   
1595            5.9             0.550         0.10             2.2      0.062   
1596            6.3             0.510         0.13             2.3      0.076   
1597            5.9             0.645         0.12             2.0      0.075   
1598            6.0             0.310         0.47             3.6      0.067   

      free sulfur dioxide  total sulfur dioxide  density    pH  sulphates  \
0                    11.0                  34.0  0.99780  3.51       0.56   
1                    25.0                  67.0  0.99680  3.20       0.68   
2                    15.0                  54.0  0.99700  3.26       0.65   
3                    17.0                  60.0  0.99800  3.16       0.58   
4                    11.0                  34.0  0.99780  3.51       0.56   
...                   ...                   ...      ...   ...        ...   
1594                 32.0                  44.0  0.99490  3.45       0.58   
1595                 39.0                  51.0  0.99512  3.52       0.76   
1596                 29.0                  40.0  0.99574  3.42       0.75   
1597                 32.0                  44.0  0.99547  3.57       0.71   
1598                 18.0                  42.0  0.99549  3.39       0.66   

      alcohol  quality  
0         9.4        5  
1         9.8        5  
2         9.8        5  
3         9.8        6  
4         9.4        5  
...       ...      ...  
1594     10.5        5  
1595     11.2        6  
1596     11.0        6  
1597     10.2        5  
1598     11.0        6  

[1599 rows x 12 columns]

Обучение модели и оценка полученных результатов

Первое, что можно заметить, что, в целом, классификатор справился не очень хорошо. Следующим интересным наблюдением является то, что из-за сильного дисбаланса классов не все классы были спрогнозированы, поэтому метрики для некоторых классов помечены нулями.

В данном случае микро-усреднение (accuracy) показало завышенные результаты, а вот макро показывает более реальную картину при условии, что все спрогнозированные классы имеют для нас одинаково значение. Взвешенное усреднение, в свою очередь, показало способность модели определять наиболее распространённые классы, которая также оказалась не очень хорошая.

ovr_model = LogisticRegression(multi_class='ovr', max_iter=1000)
ovr_model.fit(X_train, y_train)
y_pred = ovr_model.predict(X_test)

clf_report = classification_report(y_test, y_pred)

    accuracy                           0.62       400
   macro avg       0.29      0.27      0.27       400
weighted avg       0.58      0.62      0.59       400

Метрики регрессии

В данном случае целевая метка представляет собой вещественное число, поскольку это связано с природой регрессионных задач, например, прогноз погоды, стоимость акций, цена на недвижимость и так далее. Поэтому большинство метрик в задачах регрессии представляют собой среднюю оценку разности между действительными и спрогнозированными значениями, однако, с некоторыми особенностями. Рассмотрим их более подробно, обучив линейную регрессию на данных Medical Cost Personal.

Импорт необходимых библиотек

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import (mean_absolute_error, mean_absolute_percentage_error,
                             mean_squared_error, mean_squared_log_error, r2_score)

Загрузка датасета

df_path = "/content/drive/MyDrive/insurance.csv"
insurance_cost = pd.read_csv(df_path)

X = insurance_cost.drop(columns='charges', axis=1)
y = insurance_cost['charges']

cat_features_list = X.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns
X[cat_features_list] = X[cat_features_list].apply(LabelEncoder().fit_transform)

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=0)

      age     sex     bmi  children smoker     region      charges
0      19  female  27.900         0    yes  southwest  16884.92400
1      18    male  33.770         1     no  southeast   1725.55230
2      28    male  33.000         3     no  southeast   4449.46200
3      33    male  22.705         0     no  northwest  21984.47061
4      32    male  28.880         0     no  northwest   3866.85520
...   ...     ...     ...       ...    ...        ...          ...
1333   50    male  30.970         3     no  northwest  10600.54830
1334   18  female  31.920         0     no  northeast   2205.98080
1335   18  female  36.850         0     no  southeast   1629.83350
1336   21  female  25.800         0     no  southwest   2007.94500
1337   61  female  29.070         0    yes  northwest  29141.36030

[1338 rows x 7 columns]

Обучение линейной регрессии

model = LinearRegression()
model.fit(X_train, y_train)
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)

[10947.91401491  9764.82733066 38027.18625354 16076.26656375
  7003.05093861  4162.38974052  1745.17453352 14273.5330135
  9022.7490154   7548.70107263  4742.33662827 10290.75344147
  8592.56051588  4173.37165612 27970.0324915  11026.04778351
 11286.00941429  6197.06911697  8269.51468144 27263.01056172
 33686.9512703  14247.8812616  11735.79293452 32419.5578177
  4475.57228648  9264.65728706  1336.5408973  10083.42064465
  4134.01766875 10422.0367284   9033.04363126 40177.36502272
 15327.89185262 13541.84076855 24979.41529438  5273.0794857
 12809.44891047 30538.99654744 33503.98483751  3477.84775709
  4169.03343497  4346.93367013 30642.90398321 39366.95813634
 28066.36347631  5110.98142166 10919.49675465  7870.63024919
  3790.77872548 10529.86942143  5758.50260778  3526.36470247
 32837.53966438 38431.60954739 16119.53210068  7198.88399648
  6010.47765564  9455.45703492  9323.82247057 11736.15685931
  1745.70435635 38856.13381995 15133.33969997 11575.03834933
 14071.5724629  13696.5272597  26189.53137674 32224.3994756
  1285.84165993 10192.3389615  12103.18984314 11812.13268915
 25146.32331141 15738.43743924 11190.33714978 12666.511048
  6443.77417808  9893.21714388 30312.26136507 38774.44771196
 12063.1199766  37348.74819938  4280.83232304  9194.1511214
 34855.84194627 29249.62417709  8369.44588068  4945.57095651
 11829.89576319 30234.75411865 10099.95369361 11152.51466685
  8345.39483062  9216.66152856  8456.71908548  7389.90572249
 36031.82502924 32995.87707694  7647.03076484 14761.02404168
  4335.42273688  8790.6336137   6626.82252505 31798.31619795
 33017.1906077   2094.40570673  8884.5733591   6639.27260791
 14530.96799671 36943.676041   10209.36205958 10754.28354013
 10198.39675302 27099.34704068 39995.94299687  8600.67413204
   283.08058982  8834.31659717 14929.5620573   9589.03267786
 35399.75956117  7345.60983793 16567.9444266   9694.5508457
  8068.18149856  3097.01655573 33001.67961343 31570.2503123
 39236.13757102  5563.9838186   9605.43014551  3923.56950664
  7936.19344017  8758.93978756 31529.93069335 29783.93576815
 30140.52767905  9084.18593446 32774.6651671   3447.8282725
  3714.75872713 11106.90396946 13347.95952139 12853.99458907
  5528.91820808 15704.83891849 15079.88363053  2544.67843054
   185.77752153 10942.26089435  7512.81091318 32029.66886541
 12399.16046026  2715.99117956  6398.9448798   8153.13247564
  4485.58951977  2502.88912184 11354.3765072  12473.86448172
  7378.57534425 16486.02707379 11773.13898945 13764.75456224
  3381.59967736  7414.52171201 23083.99616223  7702.25146492
  5640.00381695  5423.20666932  6771.22658553  5369.21237435
  9978.65825664  5651.47058169  5617.05819013  6992.25772557
  3927.54466569  5677.34987188 38108.35355982  1687.47789286
 12570.90785396  8990.57884784 13663.12241126  5692.74305794
  5400.09622194 36497.28911925  4499.38119881  1950.64760943
 15075.82279197 12681.99346283 35147.22262059  5131.27114327
  5547.26999983 31572.7189971   6167.37488999  2062.03461108
  8544.26381135 10074.42722051  8266.17437786  5850.88787567
 13147.1222075  38635.78272386 13659.93211399 28800.64409693
  6812.19498243 35711.06603231  3973.45030397 12098.25000178
  9304.02766868  6456.8508697  11306.30379171 14517.23252599
  5259.7484308   4261.74861629  7739.96622866  1287.11803755
  8007.7029553   4603.7389562  13174.33476059  4491.67379326
  9853.36083563  7375.34455594  9072.2189463   2578.72399596
 12933.69851212 16674.51032722 15098.07149349 10382.93145759
  5750.15941467  2634.44325287  2301.36074417 13447.00625685
 14203.53207008  5171.47470846  4159.8794872   9287.91215283
 10048.86025637 28387.85591072  7761.85208288 10586.09180311
  6147.09690682 29867.2455107  10866.38256904  7609.85428543
 10248.41393685 12190.90620035  3216.69032739 10786.13583408
  1735.08998421  7194.492167   28788.15185516 38398.20353488
  6171.96169948  8372.97420985  2665.38796458   675.24311869
 10324.23779113  4464.24740958  5084.62925272  2765.12366764
  7255.30324083 33205.81109315 38215.02085724 14677.52426265
  8294.91587575 16028.83595951 33133.59667833  9623.53886742
 33401.64850545  3686.52411934 30843.71540422  8001.71986381
 14179.94621339  4211.35722232 32497.0827103   8443.10889356
 11460.8623175   9434.21047718  4321.92599873 12464.24068476
 11701.49681152  8483.560458   13344.98515219  2972.12577494
 10675.86128124  5389.8245388  11159.3820939  31723.46535925
 10047.84307228  1472.76142561   717.98703914 39821.97375226
  9812.26823742  7166.20953879 13905.32236228 13428.33354475
 27218.10087176  7033.74308314  6785.64013095 11933.98289128
  3038.43915783  4022.38383321 25307.2029606  26414.33042405
 13250.32827696  3471.9145674   5176.44334405  9222.66486622
 12506.28838182 23844.27532952 30900.61492849  9893.41699449
 24249.49669032  3004.11445538 11542.47299099  7624.09099954
  8366.614262     502.36290308  7920.24301719 35599.63593964
  6316.23859849  6413.28197074   427.51684841 10843.82978818
  6793.9564125   9939.5724268  38715.2046951  27842.86075012
 11591.34753748 35624.43529894 14993.0317229   6934.89010657
 10983.73053465  6810.5049236  36668.7011676 ]


Mean Absolute Error показывает насколько в среднем прогнозы модели отклоняются от реальных значений по модулю:

\text{MAE}(y, \hat y) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N |y_i - \hat y_i|

Данная метрика проста в интерпретации и устойчива к выбросам, однако не учитывает масштаб (насколько велико полученное отклонение) и направление ошибок (положительное или отрицательное отклонение от реальных значений).

def mae_score(y_true, y_pred):
    n = len(y_true)

    return 1 / n * np.sum(np.abs(y_true - y_pred))

mae = mae_score(y_test, y_pred)
sk_mae = mean_absolute_error(y_test, y_pred)
print(f'mae: {mae}')
print(f'mae(scikit-learn): {sk_mae}')

mae: 3998.2715408869726
mae(scikit-learn): 3998.2715408869726

Как можно заметить, полученная ошибка не может нам показать напрямую как сильно ошибается модель. Другими словами, в зависимости от контекста точно такое же значение MAE может быть как хорошим, так и плохим результатом. Представим следующую ситуацию: нам необходимо спрогнозировать на какую сумму сеть магазинов продаст бананы. Для этого смоделируем новые данные на основе предыдущих, добавив к ним значение 10000.

true_sales = y_test + 10_000
pred_sales = y_pred + 10_000

mae_for_sales = mean_absolute_error(true_sales, pred_sales)
print(f'mae(for sales): {mae_for_sales}')

mae(for sales): 3998.2715408869726

Нетрудно догадаться, что не смотря на одинаковые MAE, в одном случае качество модели будет лучше, чем в другом. В такой ситуации удобно рассматривать не абсолютную, а относительную ошибку на объектах.


Mean Absolute Percentage Error как раз позволяет оценить в процентах насколько прогнозы модели отличаются относительно реальных значений:

\text{MAPE}(y, \hat y) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{|y_i - \hat y_i|}{|y_i|}
def mape_score(y_true, y_pred):
    n = len(y_true)
    numerator = np.abs(y_true - y_pred)
    denominator = np.abs(y_true)

    return  1 / n * np.sum(numerator / denominator)

mape = mape_score(y_test, y_pred)
sk_mape = mean_absolute_percentage_error(y_test, y_pred)
mape_for_sales = mean_absolute_percentage_error(true_sales, pred_sales)

print(f'mape: {mape}')
print(f'mape(scikit-learn): {sk_mape}')
print(f'mape(for sales): {mape_for_sales}')

mape: 0.4138713715103651
mape(scikit-learn): 0.4138713715103651
mape(for sales): 0.15963240527305983

Теперь хорошо видно, что модель в первом случае ошибается гораздо сильнее, даже не смотря на одинаковые значения MAE. Однако MAPE не подходит для случаев, когда хотя бы одно фактическое значение равно нулю, что видно из формулы. В таком случае можно использовать симметричную MAPE, известную как Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error:

\text{SMAPE}(y, \hat y) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{2 |y_i - \hat y_i|}{y_i + \hat y_i}
def smape_score(y_true, y_pred):
    n = len(y_true)
    numerator = 2 * np.abs(y_true - y_pred)
    denominator = (y_true + y_pred)

    return  1 / n * np.sum(numerator / denominator)

smape = smape_score(y_test, y_pred)
print(f'smape: {smape}')

smape: 0.3573799807309885


Как и другие метрики, MAPE также применима не во всех условиях. Например, она плохо справляется при анализе временных рядов с сезонными колебаниями, поскольку не учитывает относительную значимость наблюдений и плохо работает с неравномерными данными. Для такого случая лучше подходит Weighted Average Percentage Error, которая нормализует общую ошибку к общей сумме фактических значений:

\text{WAPE}(y, \hat y) = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^N |y_i - \hat y_i|}{\sum_{i=1}^N |y_i|}

Например, продажи мороженого имеют ярко выраженную сезонность, при этом продажи в летние месяцы значительно выше, чем в зимние. В таком случае WAPE покажет более реальную оценку, поскольку будет учитывать ошибку прогноза для каждого месяца относительно общего объёма продаж, что в итоге позволит лучше справляться с прерывистыми продажами.

def wape_score(y_true, y_pred):
    numerator = np.sum(np.abs(y_true - y_pred))
    denominator = np.sum(np.abs(y_true))

    return numerator / denominator

wape = wape_score(y_test, y_pred)
print(f'wape: {wape}')

wape: 0.29762832405759587


Mean Squared Error показывает насколько в среднем прогнозы модели отклоняются от реальных значений в квадрате:

\text{MSE}(y, \hat y) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N (y_i - \hat y_i)^2

Данная метрика полезна в тех случаях, когда нужно сделать акцент на больших ошибках и выбрать модель, которая допускает их в среднем меньше всего. С другой стороны, из-за квадрата разности в формуле выше, MSE чувствительна к выбросам и более сложна для восприятия по сравнению с MAE.

def mse_score(y_true, y_pred):
    n = len(y_true)

    return 1 / n * np.sum((y_true - y_pred) ** 2)

mse = mse_score(y_test, y_pred)
sk_mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)
print(f'mse: {mse}')
print(f'mse(scikit-learn): {sk_mse}')

mse: 32073628.560109198
mse(scikit-learn): 32073628.560109198

Поэтому, чтобы придать значению MSE размерность исходных данных, из него извлекается квадратный корень. Такая метрика называется Root Mean Squared Error и её основное преимущество заключается в лучшей интерпретируемости в сравнении с MSE:

\text{RMSE}(y, \hat y) = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N (y_i - \hat y_i)^2}
rmse = np.sqrt(mse)
print(f'rmse: {rmse}')

rmse: 5663.358417062193


Ещё одним способом перехода к относительным ошибкам является их измерение в логарифмическом масштабе, как это делается в Mean Squared Logarithmic Error:

\text{MSLE}(y, \hat y |c) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N (\text{ln}(y_i + c) - \text{ln}(\hat y_i + c))^2

где c — нормированная константа (обычно равна 1), которая вводится, чтобы избегать логарифма нуля.

Данная метрика более устойчива к выбросам, поскольку делает распределение целевых и спрогнозированных значений более однородным. С другой стороны, MSLE труднее интерпретировать, а также стоит иметь в виду, что она уделяет больше внимания заниженным прогнозам, поскольку логарифм является несимметричной функцией.

def msle_score(y_true, y_pred, c=1):
    n = len(y_true)

    return 1 / n * np.sum((np.log(y_true + c) - np.log(y_pred + c)) ** 2)

msle = msle_score(y_test, y_pred)
sk_msle = mean_squared_log_error(y_test, y_pred)
print(f'msle: {msle}')
print(f'msle(scikit-learn): {sk_msle}')

msle: 0.2966547825040618
msle(scikit-learn): 0.2966547825040618

Соответственно, чтобы оценить значение MSLE относительно размерности исходных данных, используется Root Mean Squared Logarithmic Error:

\text{RMSLE}(y, \hat y |c) = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N (\text{ln}(y_i + c) - \text{ln}(\hat y_i + c))^2}
rmsle = np.sqrt(msle)
print(f'rmsle {rmsle}')

rmsle 0.5446602450189125

R2 & Adjusted R2

Иногда бывает трудно понять насколько хорошее или плохое значение рассчитанной ошибки, поэтому было бы удобно иметь в каком-то смысле аналог точности в процентах, но только для задачи регрессии. К счастью, такая метрика существует и это коэффициент детерминации \text{R}^2 который показывает какая доля дисперсии целевых значений объясняется моделью:

\text{R}^2 = \frac{SST - SSR}{SST} = 1 - \frac{SSR}{SST} = 1 - \frac{\sum_{i=1}^N(y_i - \hat y_i)^2}{\sum_{i=1}^N(y_i - \overline y)^2}

где SSR — Sum of Squared Residuals, а SST — Sum of Squares Total.

В отличии от предыдущих метрик, в данном случае более высокое значение метрики говорит о лучшем качестве модели. Значения \text{R}^2 можно интерпретировать следующим образом:

  • 1) \text{R}^2 = 1 — модель идеально предсказывает данные;

  • 2) \text{R}^2 = 0 — прогнозы модели соответствуют среднему арифметическому фактических целевых значений;

  • 3) \text{R}^2 < 0 — модель работает хуже, чем простое использование среднего значения фактических целевых значений (обычно это связано с тем, что модель обучалась на данных, в которые попали большие выбросы).

def manual_r2_score(y_true, y_pred):
    ssr = np.sum((y_true - y_pred) ** 2)
    sst = np.sum((y_true - y_true.mean()) ** 2)

    return 1 - ssr / sst

r2 = manual_r2_score(y_test, y_pred)
sk_r2 = r2_score(y_test, y_pred)
print(f'r2: {r2}')
print(f'r2(scikit-learn): {sk_r2}')

r2: 0.7962732059725786
r2(scikit-learn): 0.7962732059725786

Стоит отметить, что \text{R}^2 также имеет свои ограничения. Его основная проблема заключается в том, что он не учитывает количество признаков в модели. Другими словами, \text{R}^2 имеет тенденцию к увеличению при добавлении в обучающий набор новых признаков, даже если они не улучшают качество модели.

В таком случае сравнение моделей с разным количеством признаков становится некорректным, поэтому специально для этой цели используется скорректированный Adjusted \text{R}^2, который использует введение штрафа за добавленные признаки:

\text{R}_{adj}^2 = 1 - \frac{SSR \cdot (n-1)}{SST \cdot (n - k - 1)} = 1 - \frac{(1 - R^2) (n - 1)}{n - k - 1}

где n — число наблюдений, а k — количество признаков.

def adjusted_r2_score(y_true, y_pred, x_shape):
    n, k = x_shape
    ssr = np.sum((y_true - y_pred) ** 2)
    sst = np.sum((y_true - y_true.mean()) ** 2)
    r2 = 1 - ssr / sst

    return 1 - (1 - r2) * (n - 1) / (n - k - 1)

r2_adj = adjusted_r2_score(y_test, y_pred, X.shape)
print(f'r2 adjusted: {r2_adj}')

r2 adjusted: 0.7953548282384204

Bias-Variance Decomposition

Не отходя далеко от темы регрессии, рассмотрим разложение ошибки модели на смещение, разброс и случайный шум в данных. Это полезный инструмент, позволяющий оценить влияние вышеописанных компонентов общей тестовой ошибки и подобрать наиболее оптимальную модель с точки зрения её сложности.

Вывод разложения ошибки для MSE

Для простоты рассмотрим задачу регрессии со среднеквадратичной функцией потерь. Предположим, что целевое значение y можно выразить с помощью некоторой детерминированной функции f следующим образом:

y = f(x) + \varepsilon

где \varepsilon— случайный шум, причём E [\varepsilon] = 0, \ E [\varepsilon^2] = \sigma^2.

Тогда MSE для прогноза модели \hat f(x)будет выглядеть следующим образом:

MSE = E[(y - \hat f(x))^2] = E[y^2] - 2E[y \hat f(x)] + E[\hat f(x)^2]

где смещение и разброс для \hat f(x)равны соответственно:

Bias[\hat f(x)] = f(x) - E[\hat f(x)] \\ Var[\hat f(x)] = E[\hat f(x)^2] - E[\hat f(x)]^2

Теперь можно расписать каждый компонент по отдельности:

\begin{align*} E[y^2] & = E[f(x)^2] + E[\varepsilon^2] + 2E[f(x) \varepsilon] \\ &= E[f(x)^2] + \sigma^2 + 2f(x) \underbrace{E[\varepsilon]}_{=0} \\ &= f(x)^2 + \sigma^2 \end{align*}\begin{align*} E[y \hat f(x)] &= E[(f(x) + \varepsilon) \hat f(x)]\\ &= E[(f(x) \hat f(x)] + E[(\varepsilon \hat f(x)] \\ &= f(x) E[\hat f(x)] + \underbrace{E[\varepsilon]}_{=0} E[\hat f(x)] \\ &= f(x) E[\hat f(x)] \end{align*}E[\hat f(x)^2] = Var[\hat f(x)] + E[\hat f(x)]^2

Таким образом, разложение MSE на компоненты приобретает вид:

\begin{align*} MSE &= f(x)^2 + \sigma^2 - 2 f(x) E[\hat f(x)] + Var[\hat f(x)] + E[\hat f(x)]^2 \\ &= (\underbrace{f(x) - E[\hat f(x)]}_{=Bias})^2 + Var[\hat f(x)] + \sigma^2 \\ &= Bias[\hat f(x)]^2 + Var[\hat f(x)] + \sigma^2 \end{align*}

Полученное уравнение показывает и доказывает, что общая ошибка прогноза модели состоит из квадрата смещения (насколько модель ошибается в среднем), разброса (как предсказания модели различаются при разных данных) и неустранимой ошибки из-за шума в данных. Обычно высокие значения смещения и разброса соответствуют недообучению и переобучению модели соответственно, поэтому в идеале нам хотелось бы устремить эти значения к нулю. К сожалению, на практике это практически невозможно, поэтому задача сводится к поиску оптимального баланса между смещением и разбросом. На изображении ниже представлены возможные случаи их сочетания.


Bias-Variance trade-off

В итоге остаётся два варианта:

  • 1) создание простой модели, чтобы она была стабильной и менее чувствительной (низкий разброс), но при этом она может не улавливать все закономерности в данных (высокое смещение);

  • 2) создание сложной модели, чтобы она могла улавливать более тонкие закономерности (низкое смещение), однако в таком случае повышается чувствительность к шуму и отдельным точкам в данных (высокий разброс).

Такое явление, как поиск компромисса между смещением и разбросом, в литературе называется bias-variance trade-off, из которого следует, что общая ошибка на тестовой выборке имеет вид U-образной кривой.


Этот график иллюстрирует, что существует оптимальная сложность модели, при которой ошибка минимальна и при этом также соблюдается баланс между переобучением (высокая точность на тренировочных данных и низкая на тестовых) и недообучением (неспособность модели улавливать закономерности в тренировочных данных, что приводит к низкой точности как на них, так и на тестовых). Ниже представлен пример для линейной регрессии.


Интересные особенности bias-variance

Стоит отметить два важных момента:

  • 1) Полученное разложение ошибки верно только для квадратичной функции потерь. Например, это разложение нельзя применить напрямую к стандартной задаче классификации, поскольку в таком контексте обычно применяется функция потерь вида 0/1, для которой смещение и разброс уже не являются аддитивными в чистом виде. Поэтому используются более общие формы этого разложения с похожими в некотором смысле компонентами. Так для функции потерь 0/1 смещение может быть определено как 1, если прогноз не совпадает с истинной меткой y, и 0 в противном случае. Разброс, в свою очередь, можно представить как вероятность того, что предсказанная метка не соответствует прогнозу моды. Другими словами, bias-variance decomposition может быть всё ещё применим к большому числу различных функций потерь и алгоритмов, хотя и не в такой простой форме. Более подробно с этим можно ознакомиться в работах Domingos (2000) и Valentini & Dietterich (2004).

  • 2) Bias-Variance trade-off выполняется при разложении ошибки далеко не в каждом случае. Например, тестовая ошибка глубокой нейронной сети (DNN) часто демонстрирует двойное снижение: по мере увеличения сложности модели она сначала следует классической U-образной кривой, а затем демонстрирует второе снижение. Более того, подобное явление характерно и для ансамблей над решающими деревьями, которое проявляется при одновременном росте глубины и числа деревьев. Проще говоря, с увеличением сложности модели может происходить снижение как смещения, так и разброса. Обычно это вызвано двумя факторами:

    • Bias-variance decomposition в своём классическом представлении недостаточно детализирован для выявления всех основных стохастических факторов, объясняющих поведение ошибки в сложных моделях.

    • Постепенное расширение DNN, которое часто приводит к колокообразному разбросу ошибок. Более того, недавно было обнаружено новое явление, известное как двойной спуск по эпохам (Nakkiran et al., 2019), возникающее при увеличении количества эпох обучения вместо увеличения сложности модели. В работе Heckel & Yilmaz (2020) показано, что двойной переход по эпохам происходит в ситуации, когда различные части DNN обучаются в разные эпохи, что может быть устранено путём правильного масштабирования размеров шага.

    Обычно решение такой проблемы сводится к использованию более продвинутых методов разложения ошибки, которые включают в себя более информативное разложение разброса, например, симметричное разложение и optimization variance (OV). Поскольку это всё же статья не про нейронные сети, мы опустим реализацию этих концепций с нуля.

Метрики кластеризации

В отличии от классификации, оценка качества кластеризации представляет собой более сложную задачу, поскольку относится к методам обучения без учителя. На то есть несколько причин:

  • вместо точного соответствия истинных меток с предсказанными, для нас более важным является группировка похожих объектов внутри одного кластера;

  • также зачастую нам неизвестны истинные метки, что делает невозможным их прямое сравнение с полученными результатами.

Метрики кластеризации подразделяются на два типа:

  • 1) Внешние — основаны на использовании заранее известной информации (например, истинных меток), которая не задействовалась в процессе кластеризации. К ним относятся: Adjusted Rand Index (ARI), Mutual Information, Homogeneity, Completeness, V-measure, Fowlkes-Mallows score.

  • 2) Внутренние — используют информацию только из структуры обучающего набора. Среди них можно выделить следующие: Silhouette Coefficient, Calinski-Harabasz Index, Davies-Bouldin Index. Такой вариант полезен в случае, когда нет информации об истинных метках (что встречается довольно часто).

Рассмотрим более подробно каждую из этих метрик на сгенерированных данных make blobs.

Импорт необходимых библиотек

import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
from sklearn.cluster import AffinityPropagation
from sklearn.metrics import (rand_score, adjusted_rand_score, mutual_info_score,
                             normalized_mutual_info_score, adjusted_mutual_info_score,
                             homogeneity_score, completeness_score, v_measure_score,
                             homogeneity_completeness_v_measure, fowlkes_mallows_score,
                             silhouette_score, calinski_harabasz_score, davies_bouldin_score)

Загрузка датасета

X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=75, n_features=2, centers=5, random_state=0)

[0 3 4 3 2 4 0 2 0 4 2 4 2 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 2 2 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 0 4 4 3 3 3 2 2
 0 1 1 3 1 0 2 4 1 4 4 0 4 1 0 3 0 4 1 2 1 4 3 1 1 3 0 3 4 1 2 1 4 0 3 1 1

Обучение Affinity Propagation

ap = AffinityPropagation()
y_pred = ap.fit_predict(X)

[2 0 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 1 3 1 3 4 2 2 2 0 3 2 3 3 2 0 1 4 4 3 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 3 3
 2 4 4 0 4 2 3 1 4 1 1 4 1 4 2 0 2 1 4 3 4 1 0 4 4 0 2 0 1 4 3 3 1 2 0 4 4

Визуализация полученной кластеризации

plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=y_pred, cmap='rainbow', s=10)
plt.xlabel("Feature 1")
plt.ylabel("Feature 2")

Rand Index & Adjusted Rand Index (ARI)

Являются одними из самых простых метрик. Rand Index измеряет количество пар элементов, отнесённых к одинаковым и разным кластерам относительно общего количества возможных пар в данных, игнорируя перестановки:

\text{RI} = \frac{a + b}{C_2^{n_{samples}}}

Данная метрика хорошо интерпретируема, поскольку её значения расположены в диапазоне [0, 1], где 1 соответствует идеальной кластеризации. С другой стороны, Rand Index не гарантирует, что случайные присвоения меток получат значения, близкие к нулю (особенно если количество кластеров имеет тот же порядок значений, что и количество образцов). Это одна из причин почему Rand Index зачастую даёт слишком оптимистичную оценку.

ri = rand_score(y, y_pred)
print(f'rand index: {ri}')

rand index: 0.9405405405405406

Нормировав данный индекс, можно снизить ожидаемый E[\text{RI}] и таким образом избавиться от негативного эффекта выше. Тогда получим скорректированную оценку, известную как Adjusted Rand Index (ARI):

\text{ARI} = \frac{\text{RI} - E[\text{RI}]}{\max(\text{RI}) - E[\text{RI}]}

Она симметрична, не зависит от перестановок меток и их значений, которые теперь определены в диапазоне [-1, 1]. В таком случае отрицательное значение будет указывать на то, что кластеризация хуже, чем если бы метки были присвоены случайным образом.

ari = adjusted_rand_score(y, y_pred)
print(f'adjusted rand index: {ari}')

adjusted rand index: 0.8063318846556483

Mutual Information & Adjusted Mutual Information (AMI)

Взаимная информация Mutual Information определяет меру различия между совместным распределением пары меток U, V и произведением их маргинальных распределений. Другими словами, измеряется насколько информация об одной из этих переменных уменьшает неопределенность в отношении другой, то есть между ними определяется мера взаимной зависимости.

В свою очередь, мера неопределённости — это ни что иное, как энтропия, которая определяется для разбиений следующим образом:

H(U) = - \sum_{i=1}^{|U|}P(i)\ln(P(i)) \\ H(V) = - \sum_{j=1}^{|V|}P'(j)\ln(P'(j))

где P(i) = |U_i| / N— вероятность попадания случайно выбранного объекта из Uв класс U_i. В случае с V ситуация аналогична.

Тогда взаимная информация между U и V определяется как:

\text{MI}(U, V) = \sum_{i=1}^{|U|}\sum_{j=1}^{|V|}P(i, j)\ln\left(\frac{P(i,j)}{P(i)P'(j)}\right)

где P(i, j) = |U_i \cap V_j| / N — вероятность попадания случайно выбранного объекта в оба класса.

mi = mutual_info_score(y, y_pred)
print(f'mutual index: {mi}')

mutual index: 1.3165387166969102

Отсюда также можно получить нормализованную версию, то есть Normalized Mutual Information (NMI):

\text{NMI}(U, V) = \frac{\text{MI}(U, V)}{\text{mean}(H(U), H(V))}
nmi = normalized_mutual_info_score(y, y_pred)
print(f'normalized mutual index: {nmi}')

normalized mutual index: 0.8182376204426293

Однако обе эти метрики не учитывают случайность разбиений: MI будет склонна к увеличению по мере роста числа кластеров независимо от фактического объёма взаимной информации между метками, а NMI будет давать более оптимистичную оценку в пределах [0, 1].

Для устранения этих недостатков используется Adjusted Mutual Information (AMI), значения которого также расположены в диапазоне [0, 1], где 0 указывает на независимость меток, а значение близкое к 1 на их значительное совпадение:

\text{AMI} = \frac{\text{MI} - E[\text{MI}]}{\text{mean}(H(U), H(V)) - E[\text{MI}]}

где ожидаемое значение взаимной информации рассчитывается как:

E[\text{MI}(U,V)]=\sum_{i=1}^{|U|} \sum_{j=1}^{|V|} \sum_{n_{ij}=(a_i+b_j-N)^+ }^{\min(a_i, b_j)} \frac{n_{ij}}{N}\ln \left( \frac{ N.n_{ij}}{a_i b_j}\right) \cdot \\ \cdot \frac{a_i!b_j!(N-a_i)!(N-b_j)!}{N!n_{ij}!(a_i-n_{ij})!(b_j-n_{ij})! (N-a_i-b_j+n_{ij})!}
ami = adjusted_mutual_info_score(y, y_pred)
print(f'adjusted mutual index: {ami}')

adjusted mutual index: 0.8036319585502079

Homogeneity, Completeness & V-measure

Другой, более интуитивно понятный способ применения энтропии заключается в использовании таких понятий как:

  • гомогенность — мера того, насколько каждый кластер содержит объекты только одного класса:

h = 1 - \frac{H(C|K)}{H(C)} \\ H(C) = - \sum_{c=1}^{|C|} \frac{n_c}{n} \cdot \log\left(\frac{n_c}{n}\right) \\ H(C|K) = - \sum_{c=1}^{|C|} \sum_{k=1}^{|K|} \frac{n_{c,k}}{n} \cdot \ln\left(\frac{n_{c,k}}{n_k}\right)
  • полнота — мера того, насколько все объекты одного класса принадлежат одному и тому же кластеру:

c = 1 - \frac{H(K|C)}{H(K)}

где C — истинные метки классов, а K — спрогнозированные.

В отличие от ARI или AMI, данные метрики не являются нормализованными, поэтому случайная кластеризация не будет давать нулевые показатели при большом числе классов и малом числе объектов. Стоит отметить, что эта проблема не касается ситуаций, когда количество образцов превышает тысячу, а число кластеров меньше 10. В противном же случае лучше использовать ARI.

Если же необходимо учитывать гомогенность и полноту одновременно, то есть обеспечить между ними баланс, то используется V-мера, представляющая собой гармоническое среднее между ними и являющаяся в каком-то смысле эквивалентом NMI:

v = 2 \cdot \frac{h \cdot c}{h + c}
homogeneity = homogeneity_score(y, y_pred)
completeness = completeness_score(y, y_pred)
v_measure = v_measure_score(y, y_pred)

print(f'homogeneity: {homogeneity}')
print(f'completeness: {completeness}')
print(f'v measure: {v_measure}')

homogeneity: 0.8180114973840702
completeness: 0.8184638685502272
v measure: 0.8182376204426292

Следует добавить, что все 3 метрики хорошо интерпретируемые, поскольку лежат в диапазоне [0, 1], где 1 соответствует идеальной кластеризации. Также помимо этого, в scikit-learn имеется возможность получить все три метрики сразу.

hcv = homogeneity_completeness_v_measure(y, y_pred)
print('homogeneity, completeness, v measure:', hcv, sep='\n')

homogeneity, completeness, v measure:
(0.8180114973840702, 0.8184638685502272, 0.8182376204426292)

Fowlkes-Mallows Index (FMI)

Confusion matrix также может быть использована в задачах кластеризации. В таком случае можно получить Fowlkes-Mallows Index (FMI), если взять геометрическое среднее между precision и recall:

\text{FMI} = \frac{\text{TP}}{\sqrt{(\text{TP} + \text{FP}) (\text{TP} + \text{FN})}}

Эта метрика также лежит в диапазоне [0, 1] и может быть полезна при сравнении различных алгоритмов кластеризации, поскольку не делает никаких предположений об их структуре и, следовательно, может дать более объективную оценку.

fmi = fowlkes_mallows_score(y, y_pred)
print(f'Fowlkes-Mallows index: {fmi}')

Fowlkes-Mallows index: 0.8430070419125244

Silhouette Coefficient

Данный коэффициент показывает насколько в среднем объекты схожи внутри одного кластера и различны с объектами других кластеров. Для одного образца силуэт определяется следующим образом:

s = \frac{b - a}{max(a, b)}


  • a — среднее расстояние между образцом и всеми другими точками в том же классе;

  • b — среднее расстояние между образцом и всеми другими точками в следующем ближайшем кластере.

Обычно для выборки силуэт определяется как среднее значение силуэта объектов и лежит в диапазоне [-1, 1], где -1 соответствует неверной кластеризации, 1 указывает на высокую степень соответствия объектов своим кластерам, а 0 говорит о пересекающихся и накладывающихся друг на друга кластерах.

Как можно заметить, данная метрика особенна полезна в случае, когда необходимо подобрать оптимальное количество кластеров, которое выбирается на основе максимального значения силуэта. Однако, следует учитывать, что значение силуэта может быть склонно к завышенным оценкам для выпуклых форм кластера и занижено для сложных форм, особенно для кластеров различного размера и плотности.

silhouette = silhouette_score(X, y_pred)
print(f'silhouette: {silhouette}')

silhouette: 0.5796452132316384

Calinski-Harabasz Index (CHI)

Также известный как критерий соотношения дисперсий (VRC), представляет собой отношение сумм межкластерной и внутрикластерной дисперсий:

s = \frac{\mathrm{tr}(B_k)}{\mathrm{tr}(W_k)} \times \frac{n_E - k}{k - 1}

где межкластерная B_k и внутрикластерная W_k дисперсии определяются как:

B_k = \sum_{q=1}^k n_q (c_q - c_E) (c_q - c_E)^T \\ W_k = \sum_{q=1}^k \sum_{x \in C_q} (x - c_q) (x - c_q)^T

а также где:

  • C_q — набор точек в кластере q;

  • c_q — центр кластера q;

  • c_E — центр в наборе данныхE;

  • n_q — число точек в кластере q.

Чем выше значение Калински-Харабаша, тем более чётко модель определяет кластеры. Хотя данная метрика и лучше с вычислительной точки зрения, но, в принципе, имеет такой же недостаток, как и коэффициент силуэта.

chi = calinski_harabasz_score(X, y_pred)
print(f'Calinski-Harabasz index: {chi}')

Calinski-Harabasz index: 305.667448634445

Davies-Bouldin Index (DBI)

Показывает среднее сходство между кластерами, которое определяется как мера, сравнивающая межкластерное расстояние с размером самих кластеров:

DB = \frac{1}{k} \sum_{i=1}^k \max_{i \neq j} R_{ij}

В данном случае сходство определяется как:

R_{ij} = \frac{s_i + s_j}{d_{ij}}

где s — среднее расстояние между каждой точкой кластера и его центроидом, а d_{ij} — расстояние между центроидами i и j.

В сравнении с метриками выше, более близкое к нулю значение DBI говорит о лучшем качестве кластеризации. Хотя данная метрика и обладает тем же недостатком, что и коэффициент силуэта, она может быть более предпочтительным вариантом из-за более простого вычисления.

dbi = davies_bouldin_score(X, y_pred)
print(f'Davies-Bouldin index: {dbi}')

Davies-Bouldin index: 0.546114132526905

Дополнительные источники


  • «An introduction to ROC analysis», Tom Fawcett;

  • «The Relationship Between Precision-Recall and ROC Curves», Jesse Davis, Mark Goadrich;

  • «Precision-Recall-Gain Curves: PR Analysis Done Right», Peter A. Flach, Meelis Kull;

  • «Investigation of performance metrics in regression analysis and machine learning-based prediction models», V. Plevris, G. Solorzano, N. Bakas, M. Ben Seghier;

  • «A Unified Bias-Variance Decomposition and its Applications», Pedro Domingos;

  • «Bias-Variance Analysis of Support Vector Machines for the Development of SVM-Based Ensemble Methods», Giorgio Valentini, Thomas G. Dietterich;

  • «Optimization Variance: Exploring Generalization Properties of DNNs», Xiao Zhang, Dongrui Wu, Haoyi Xiong, Bo Dai;

  • «Deep Double Descent: Where Bigger Models and More Data Hurt», Preetum Nakkiran, Gal Kaplun, Yamini Bansal, Tristan Yang, Boaz Barak, Ilya Sutskever;

  • «Early Stopping in Deep Networks: Double Descent and How to Eliminate it», Reinhard Heckel, Fatih Furkan Yilmaz;

  • «Pointwise Metrics for Clustering Evaluation», Stephan van Staden.


Методы оптимизации в ML и DL 🡆


  • 07.09.23 16:24 CherryTeam

    Cherry Team atlyginimų skaičiavimo programa yra labai naudingas įrankis įmonėms, kai reikia efektyviai valdyti ir skaičiuoti darbuotojų atlyginimus. Ši programinė įranga, turinti išsamias funkcijas ir patogią naudotojo sąsają, suteikia daug privalumų, kurie padeda supaprastinti darbo užmokesčio skaičiavimo procesus ir pagerinti finansų valdymą. Štai keletas pagrindinių priežasčių, kodėl Cherry Team atlyginimų skaičiavimo programa yra naudinga įmonėms: Automatizuoti ir tikslūs skaičiavimai: Atlyginimų skaičiavimai rankiniu būdu gali būti klaidingi ir reikalauti daug laiko. Programinė įranga Cherry Team automatizuoja visą atlyginimų skaičiavimo procesą, todėl nebereikia atlikti skaičiavimų rankiniu būdu ir sumažėja klaidų rizika. Tiksliai apskaičiuodama atlyginimus, įskaitant tokius veiksnius, kaip pagrindinis atlyginimas, viršvalandžiai, premijos, išskaitos ir mokesčiai, programa užtikrina tikslius ir be klaidų darbo užmokesčio skaičiavimo rezultatus. Sutaupoma laiko ir išlaidų: Darbo užmokesčio valdymas gali būti daug darbo jėgos reikalaujanti užduotis, reikalaujanti daug laiko ir išteklių. Programa Cherry Team supaprastina ir pagreitina darbo užmokesčio skaičiavimo procesą, nes automatizuoja skaičiavimus, generuoja darbo užmokesčio žiniaraščius ir tvarko išskaičiuojamus mokesčius. Šis automatizavimas padeda įmonėms sutaupyti daug laiko ir pastangų, todėl žmogiškųjų išteklių ir finansų komandos gali sutelkti dėmesį į strategiškai svarbesnę veiklą. Be to, racionalizuodamos darbo užmokesčio operacijas, įmonės gali sumažinti administracines išlaidas, susijusias su rankiniu darbo užmokesčio tvarkymu. Mokesčių ir darbo teisės aktų laikymasis: Įmonėms labai svarbu laikytis mokesčių ir darbo teisės aktų, kad išvengtų baudų ir teisinių problemų. Programinė įranga Cherry Team seka besikeičiančius mokesčių įstatymus ir darbo reglamentus, užtikrindama tikslius skaičiavimus ir teisinių reikalavimų laikymąsi. Programa gali dirbti su sudėtingais mokesčių scenarijais, pavyzdžiui, keliomis mokesčių grupėmis ir įvairių rūšių atskaitymais, todėl užtikrina atitiktį reikalavimams ir kartu sumažina klaidų riziką. Ataskaitų rengimas ir analizė: Programa Cherry Team siūlo patikimas ataskaitų teikimo ir analizės galimybes, suteikiančias įmonėms vertingų įžvalgų apie darbo užmokesčio duomenis. Ji gali generuoti ataskaitas apie įvairius aspektus, pavyzdžiui, darbo užmokesčio paskirstymą, išskaičiuojamus mokesčius ir darbo sąnaudas. Šios ataskaitos leidžia įmonėms analizuoti darbo užmokesčio tendencijas, nustatyti tobulintinas sritis ir priimti pagrįstus finansinius sprendimus. Pasinaudodamos duomenimis pagrįstomis įžvalgomis, įmonės gali optimizuoti savo darbo užmokesčio strategijas ir veiksmingai kontroliuoti išlaidas. Integracija su kitomis sistemomis: Cherry Team programinė įranga dažnai sklandžiai integruojama su kitomis personalo ir apskaitos sistemomis. Tokia integracija leidžia automatiškai perkelti atitinkamus duomenis, pavyzdžiui, informaciją apie darbuotojus ir finansinius įrašus, todėl nebereikia dubliuoti duomenų. Supaprastintas duomenų srautas tarp sistemų padidina bendrą efektyvumą ir sumažina duomenų klaidų ar neatitikimų riziką. Cherry Team atlyginimų apskaičiavimo programa įmonėms teikia didelę naudą - automatiniai ir tikslūs skaičiavimai, laiko ir sąnaudų taupymas, atitiktis mokesčių ir darbo teisės aktų reikalavimams, ataskaitų teikimo ir analizės galimybės bei integracija su kitomis sistemomis. Naudodamos šią programinę įrangą įmonės gali supaprastinti darbo užmokesčio skaičiavimo procesus, užtikrinti tikslumą ir atitiktį reikalavimams, padidinti darbuotojų pasitenkinimą ir gauti vertingų įžvalgų apie savo finansinius duomenis. Programa Cherry Team pasirodo esanti nepakeičiamas įrankis įmonėms, siekiančioms efektyviai ir veiksmingai valdyti darbo užmokestį. https://cherryteam.lt/lt/

  • 08.10.23 01:30 davec8080

    The "Shibarium for this confirmed rug pull is a BEP-20 project not related at all to Shibarium, SHIB, BONE or LEASH. The Plot Thickens. Someone posted the actual transactions!!!! https://bscscan.com/tx/0xa846ea0367c89c3f0bbfcc221cceea4c90d8f56ead2eb479d4cee41c75e02c97 It seems the article is true!!!! And it's also FUD. Let me explain. Check this link: https://bscscan.com/token/0x5a752c9fe3520522ea88f37a41c3ddd97c022c2f So there really is a "Shibarium" token. And somebody did a rug pull with it. CONFIRMED. But the "Shibarium" token for this confirmed rug pull is a BEP-20 project not related at all to Shibarium, SHIB, BONE or LEASH.

  • 24.06.24 04:31 tashandiarisha

    Web-site. https://trustgeekshackexpert.com/ Tele-Gram, trustgeekshackexpert During the pandemic, I ventured into the world of cryptocurrency trading. My father loaned me $10,000, which I used to purchase my first bitcoins. With diligent research and some luck, I managed to grow my investment to over $350,000 in just a couple of years. I was thrilled with my success, but my excitement was short-lived when I decided to switch brokers and inadvertently fell victim to a phishing attack. While creating a new account, I received what seemed like a legitimate email requesting verification. Without second-guessing, I provided my information, only to realize later that I had lost access to my email and cryptocurrency wallets. Panic set in as I watched my hard-earned assets disappear before my eyes. Desperate to recover my funds, I scoured the internet for solutions. That's when I stumbled upon the Trust Geeks Hack Expert on the Internet. The service claimed to specialize in recovering lost crypto assets, and I decided to take a chance. Upon contacting them, the team swung into action immediately. They guided me through the entire recovery process with professionalism and efficiency. The advantages of using the Trust Geeks Hack Expert Tool became apparent from the start. Their team was knowledgeable and empathetic, understanding the urgency and stress of my situation. They employed advanced security measures to ensure my information was handled safely and securely. One of the key benefits of the Trust Geeks Hack Expert Tool was its user-friendly interface, which made a complex process much more manageable for someone like me, who isn't particularly tech-savvy. They also offered 24/7 support, so I never felt alone during recovery. Their transparent communication and regular updates kept me informed and reassured throughout. The Trust Geeks Hack Expert Tool is the best solution for anyone facing similar issues. Their swift response, expertise, and customer-centric approach set them apart from other recovery services. Thanks to their efforts, I regained access to my accounts and my substantial crypto assets. The experience taught me a valuable lesson about online security and showed me the incredible potential of the Trust Geeks Hack Expert Tool. Email:: trustgeekshackexpert{@}fastservice{.}com WhatsApp  +

  • 26.06.24 18:46 Jacobethannn098


  • 26.06.24 18:46 Jacobethannn098

    Reach Out To Adrian Lamo Hacker via email: [email protected] / WhatsApp: ‪+1 (909) 739‑0269‬ Adrian Lamo Hacker is a formidable force in the realm of cybersecurity, offering a comprehensive suite of services designed to protect individuals and organizations from the pervasive threat of digital scams and fraud. With an impressive track record of recovering over $950 million, including substantial sums from high-profile scams such as a $600 million fake investment platform and a $1.5 million romance scam, Adrian Lamo Hacker has established itself as a leader in the field. One of the key strengths of Adrian Lamo Hacker lies in its unparalleled expertise in scam detection. The company leverages cutting-edge methodologies to defend against a wide range of digital threats, including phishing emails, fraudulent websites, and deceitful schemes. This proactive approach to identifying and neutralizing potential scams is crucial in an increasingly complex and interconnected digital landscape. Adrian Lamo Hacker's tailored risk assessments serve as a powerful tool for fortifying cybersecurity. By identifying vulnerabilities and potential points of exploitation, the company empowers its clients to take proactive measures to strengthen their digital defenses. This personalized approach to risk assessment ensures that each client receives targeted and effective protection against cyber threats. In the event of a security incident, Adrian Lamo Hacker's rapid incident response capabilities come into play. The company's vigilant monitoring and swift mitigation strategies ensure that any potential breaches or scams are addressed in real-time, minimizing the impact on its clients' digital assets and reputation. This proactive stance towards incident response is essential in an era where cyber threats can materialize with alarming speed and sophistication. In addition to its robust defense and incident response capabilities, Adrian Lamo Hacker is committed to empowering its clients to recognize and thwart common scam tactics. By fostering enlightenment in the digital realm, the company goes beyond simply safeguarding its clients; it equips them with the knowledge and awareness needed to navigate the digital landscape with confidence and resilience. Adrian Lamo Hacker services extend to genuine hacking, offering an additional layer of protection for its clients. This may include ethical hacking or penetration testing, which can help identify and address security vulnerabilities before malicious actors have the chance to exploit them. By offering genuine hacking services, Adrian Lamo Hacker demonstrates its commitment to providing holistic cybersecurity solutions that address both defensive and offensive aspects of digital protection. Adrian Lamo Hacker stands out as a premier provider of cybersecurity services, offering unparalleled expertise in scam detection, rapid incident response, tailored risk assessments, and genuine hacking capabilities. With a proven track record of recovering significant sums from various scams, the company has earned a reputation for excellence in combating digital fraud. Through its proactive and empowering approach, Adrian Lamo Hacker is a true ally for individuals and organizations seeking to navigate the digital realm with confidence.

  • 04.07.24 04:49 ZionNaomi

    For over twenty years, I've dedicated myself to the dynamic world of marketing, constantly seeking innovative strategies to elevate brand visibility in an ever-evolving landscape. So when the meteoric rise of Bitcoin captured my attention as a potential avenue for investment diversification, I seized the opportunity, allocating $20,000 to the digital currency. Witnessing my investment burgeon to an impressive $70,000 over time instilled in me a sense of financial promise and stability.However, amidst the euphoria of financial growth, a sudden and unforeseen oversight brought me crashing back to reality during a critical business trip—I had misplaced my hardware wallet. The realization that I had lost access to the cornerstone of my financial security struck me with profound dismay. Desperate for a solution, I turned to the expertise of Daniel Meuli Web Recovery.Their response was swift . With meticulous precision, they embarked on the intricate process of retracing the elusive path of my lost funds. Through their unwavering dedication, they managed to recover a substantial portion of my investment, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the shadows of uncertainty. The support provided by Daniel Meuli Web Recovery extended beyond mere financial restitution. Recognizing the imperative of fortifying against future vulnerabilities, they generously shared invaluable insights on securing digital assets. Their guidance encompassed crucial aspects such as implementing hardware wallet backups and fortifying security protocols, equipping me with recovered funds and newfound knowledge to navigate the digital landscape securely.In retrospect, this experience served as a poignant reminder of the critical importance of diligence and preparedness in safeguarding one's assets. Thanks to the expertise and unwavering support extended by Daniel Meuli Web Recovery, I emerged from the ordeal with renewed resilience and vigilance. Empowered by their guidance and fortified by enhanced security measures, I now approach the future with unwavering confidence.The heights of financial promise to the depths of loss and back again has been a humbling one, underscoring the volatility and unpredictability inherent in the digital realm. Yet, through adversity, I have emerged stronger, armed with a newfound appreciation for the importance of diligence, preparedness, and the invaluable support of experts like Daniel Meuli Web Recovery.As I persist in traversing the digital landscape, I do so with a judicious blend of vigilance and fortitude, cognizant that with adequate safeguards and the backing of reliable confidants, I possess the fortitude to withstand any adversity that may arise. For this, I remain eternally appreciative. Email Danielmeuliweberecovery @ email . c om WhatsApp + 393 512 013 528

  • 13.07.24 21:13 michaelharrell825

    In 2020, amidst the economic fallout of the pandemic, I found myself unexpectedly unemployed and turned to Forex trading in hopes of stabilizing my finances. Like many, I was drawn in by the promise of quick returns offered by various Forex robots, signals, and trading advisers. However, most of these products turned out to be disappointing, with claims that were far from reality. Looking back, I realize I should have been more cautious, but the allure of financial security clouded my judgment during those uncertain times. Amidst these disappointments, Profit Forex emerged as a standout. Not only did they provide reliable service, but they also delivered tangible results—a rarity in an industry often plagued by exaggerated claims. The positive reviews from other users validated my own experience, highlighting their commitment to delivering genuine outcomes and emphasizing sound financial practices. My journey with Profit Forex led to a net profit of $11,500, a significant achievement given the challenges I faced. However, my optimism was short-lived when I encountered obstacles trying to withdraw funds from my trading account. Despite repeated attempts, I found myself unable to access my money, leaving me frustrated and uncertain about my financial future. Fortunately, my fortunes changed when I discovered PRO WIZARD GIlBERT RECOVERY. Their reputation for recovering funds from fraudulent schemes gave me hope in reclaiming what was rightfully mine. With a mixture of desperation and cautious optimism, I reached out to them for assistance. PRO WIZARD GIlBERT RECOVERY impressed me from the start with their professionalism and deep understanding of financial disputes. They took a methodical approach, using advanced techniques to track down the scammers responsible for withholding my funds. Throughout the process, their communication was clear and reassuring, providing much-needed support during a stressful period. Thanks to PRO WIZARD GIlBERT RECOVERY's expertise and unwavering dedication, I finally achieved a resolution to my ordeal. They successfully traced and retrieved my funds, restoring a sense of justice and relief. Their intervention not only recovered my money but also renewed my faith in ethical financial services. Reflecting on my experience, I've learned invaluable lessons about the importance of due diligence and discernment in navigating the Forex market. While setbacks are inevitable, partnering with reputable recovery specialists like PRO WIZARD GIlBERT RECOVERY can make a profound difference. Their integrity and effectiveness have left an indelible mark on me, guiding my future decisions and reinforcing the value of trustworthy partnerships in achieving financial goals. I wholeheartedly recommend PRO WIZARD GIlBERT RECOVERY to anyone grappling with financial fraud or disputes. Their expertise and commitment to client satisfaction are unparalleled, offering a beacon of hope in challenging times. Thank you, PRO WIZARD GIlBERT RECOVERY, for your invaluable assistance in reclaiming what was rightfully mine. Your service not only recovered my funds but also restored my confidence in navigating the complexities of financial markets with greater caution and awareness. Email: prowizardgilbertrecovery(@)engineer.com Homepage: https://prowizardgilbertrecovery.xyz WhatsApp: +1 (516) 347‑9592

  • 17.07.24 02:26 thompsonrickey

    In the vast and often treacherous realm of online investments, I was entangled in a web of deceit that cost me nearly  $45,000. It all started innocuously enough with an enticing Instagram profile promising lucrative returns through cryptocurrency investment. Initially, everything seemed promising—communications were smooth, and assurances were plentiful. However, as time passed, my optimism turned to suspicion. Withdrawal requests were met with delays and excuses. The once-responsive "investor" vanished into thin air, leaving me stranded with dwindling hopes and a sinking feeling in my gut. It became painfully clear that I had been duped by a sophisticated scheme designed to exploit trust and naivety. Desperate to recover my funds, I turned to online forums where I discovered numerous testimonials advocating for Muyern Trust Hacker. With nothing to lose, I contacted them, recounting my ordeal with a mixture of skepticism and hope. Their swift response and professional demeanor immediately reassured me that I had found a lifeline amidst the chaos. Muyern Trust Hacker wasted no time in taking action. They meticulously gathered evidence, navigated legal complexities, and deployed their expertise to expedite recovery. In what felt like a whirlwind of activity, although the passage of time was a blur amidst my anxiety, they achieved the seemingly impossible—my stolen funds were returned. The relief I felt was overwhelming. Muyern Trust Hacker not only restored my financial losses but also restored my faith in justice. Their commitment to integrity and their relentless pursuit of resolution were nothing short of remarkable. They proved themselves as recovery specialists and guardians against digital fraud, offering hope to victims like me who had been ensnared by deception. My gratitude knows no bounds for Muyern Trust Hacker. Reach them at muyerntrusted @ m a i l - m e . c o m AND Tele gram @ muyerntrusthackertech

  • 18.07.24 20:13 austinagastya

    I Testify For iBolt Cyber Hacker Alone - For Crypto Recovery Service I highly suggest iBolt Cyber Hacker to anyone in need of bitcoin recovery services. They successfully recovered my bitcoin from a fake trading scam with speed and efficiency. This crew is trustworthy, They kept me updated throughout the procedure. I thought my bitcoin was gone, I am so grateful for their help, If you find yourself in a similar circumstance, do not hesitate to reach out to iBolt Cyber Hacker for assistance. Thank you, iBOLT, for your amazing customer service! Please be cautious and contact them directly through their website. Email: S u p p o r t @ ibolt cyber hack . com Cont/Whtp + 3. .9 .3. .5..0. .9. 2. 9. .0 .3. 1 .8. Website: h t t p s : / / ibolt cyber hack . com /

  • 27.08.24 12:50 James889900

    All you need is to hire an expert to help you accomplish that. If there’s any need to spy on your partner’s phone. From my experience I lacked evidence to confront my husband on my suspicion on his infidelity, until I came across ETHICALAHCKERS which many commend him of assisting them in their spying mission. So I contacted him and he provided me with access into his phone to view all text messages, call logs, WhatsApp messages and even her location. This evidence helped me move him off my life . I recommend you consult ETHICALHACKERS009 @ gmail.com OR CALL/TEXT ‪+1(716) 318-5536 or whatsapp +14106350697 if you need access to your partner’s phone

  • 27.08.24 13:06 James889900

    All you need is to hire an expert to help you accomplish that. If there’s any need to spy on your partner’s phone. From my experience I lacked evidence to confront my husband on my suspicion on his infidelity, until I came across ETHICALAHCKERS which many commend him of assisting them in their spying mission. So I contacted him and he provided me with access into his phone to view all text messages, call logs, WhatsApp messages and even her location. This evidence helped me move him off my life . I recommend you consult ETHICALHACKERS009 @ gmail.com OR CALL/TEXT ‪+1(716) 318-5536 or whatsapp +14106350697 if you need access to your partner’s phone

  • 02.09.24 20:24 [email protected]

    If You Need Hacker To Recover Your Bitcoin Contact Paradox Recovery Wizard Paradox Recovery Wizard successfully recovered $123,000 worth of Bitcoin for my husband, which he had lost due to a security breach. The process was efficient and secure, with their expert team guiding us through each step. They were able to trace and retrieve the lost cryptocurrency, restoring our peace of mind and financial stability. Their professionalism and expertise were instrumental in recovering our assets, and we are incredibly grateful for their service. Email: support@ paradoxrecoverywizard.com Email: paradox_recovery @cyberservices.com Wep: https://paradoxrecoverywizard.com/ WhatsApp: +39 351 222 3051.

  • 06.09.24 01:35 Celinagarcia

    HOW TO RECOVER MONEY LOST IN BITCOIN/USDT TRADING OR TO CRYPTO INVESTMENT !! Hi all, friends and families. I am writing From Alberton Canada. Last year I tried to invest in cryptocurrency trading in 2023, but lost a significant amount of money to scammers. I was cheated of my money, but thank God, I was referred to Hack Recovery Wizard they are among the best bitcoin recovery specialists on the planet. they helped me get every penny I lost to the scammers back to me with their forensic techniques. and I would like to take this opportunity to advise everyone to avoid making cryptocurrency investments online. If you ​​​​​​have already lost money on forex, cryptocurrency or Ponzi schemes, please contact [email protected] or WhatsApp: +1 (757) 237–1724 at once they can help you get back the crypto you lost to scammers. BEST WISHES. Celina Garcia.

  • 06.09.24 01:44 Celinagarcia

    HOW TO RECOVER MONEY LOST IN BITCOIN/USDT TRADING OR TO CRYPTO INVESTMENT !! Hi all, friends and families. I am writing From Alberton Canada. Last year I tried to invest in cryptocurrency trading in 2023, but lost a significant amount of money to scammers. I was cheated of my money, but thank God, I was referred to Hack Recovery Wizard they are among the best bitcoin recovery specialists on the planet. they helped me get every penny I lost to the scammers back to me with their forensic techniques. and I would like to take this opportunity to advise everyone to avoid making cryptocurrency investments online. If you ​​​​​​have already lost money on forex, cryptocurrency or Ponzi schemes, please contact [email protected] or WhatsApp: +1 (757) 237–1724 at once they can help you get back the crypto you lost to scammers. BEST WISHES. Celina Garcia.

  • 16.09.24 00:10 marcusaustin

    Bitcoin Recovery Services: Restoring Lost Cryptocurrency If you've lost access to your cryptocurrency and unable to make a withdrawal, I highly recommend iBolt Cyber Hacker Bitcoin Recovery Services. Their team is skilled, professional, and efficient in recovering lost Bitcoin. They provide clear communication, maintain high security standards, and work quickly to resolve issues. Facing the stress of lost cryptocurrency, iBolt Cyber Hacker is a trusted service that will help you regain access to your funds securely and reliably. Highly recommended! Email: S u p p o r t @ ibolt cyber hack . com Cont/Whtp + 3. .9 .3. .5..0. .9. 2. 9. .0 .3. 1 .8. Website: h t t p s : / / ibolt cyber hack . com /

  • 16.09.24 00:11 marcusaustin

    Bitcoin Recovery Services: Restoring Lost Cryptocurrency If you've lost access to your cryptocurrency and unable to make a withdrawal, I highly recommend iBolt Cyber Hacker Bitcoin Recovery Services. Their team is skilled, professional, and efficient in recovering lost Bitcoin. They provide clear communication, maintain high security standards, and work quickly to resolve issues. Facing the stress of lost cryptocurrency, iBolt Cyber Hacker is a trusted service that will help you regain access to your funds securely and reliably. Highly recommended! Email: S u p p o r t @ ibolt cyber hack . com Cont/Whtp + 3. .9 .3. .5..0. .9. 2. 9. .0 .3. 1 .8. Website: h t t p s : / / ibolt cyber hack . com /

  • 23.09.24 18:56 matthewshimself

    At first, I was admittedly skeptical about Worldcoin (ref: https://worldcoin.org/blog/worldcoin/this-is-worldcoin-video-explainer-series), particularly around the use of biometric data and the WLD token as a reward mechanism for it. However, after following the project closer, I’ve come to appreciate the broader vision and see the value in the underlying tech behind it. The concept of Proof of Personhood (ref: https://worldcoin.org/blog/worldcoin/proof-of-personhood-what-it-is-why-its-needed) has definitely caught my attention, and does seem like a crucial step towards tackling growing issues like bots, deepfakes, and identity fraud. Sam Altman’s vision is nothing short of ambitious, but I do think he & Alex Blania have the chops to realize it as mainstay in the global economy.

  • 01.10.24 14:54 Sinewclaudia

    I lost about $876k few months ago trading on a fake binary option investment websites. I didn't knew they were fake until I tried to withdraw. Immediately, I realized these guys were fake. I contacted Sinew Claudia world recovery, my friend who has such experience before and was able to recover them, recommended me to contact them. I'm a living testimony of a successful recovery now. You can contact the legitimate recovery company below for help and assistance. [email protected] [email protected] WhatsApp: 6262645164

  • 02.10.24 22:27 Emily Hunter

    Can those who have fallen victim to fraud get their money back? Yes, you might be able to get back what was taken from you if you fell prey to a fraud from an unregulated investing platform or any other scam, but only if you report it to the relevant authorities. With the right plan and supporting documentation, you can get back what you've lost. Most likely, the individuals in control of these unregulated platforms would attempt to convince you that what happened to your money was a sad accident when, in fact, it was a highly skilled heist. You should be aware that there are resources out there to help you if you or someone you know has experienced one of these circumstances. Do a search using (deftrecoup (.) c o m). Do not let the perpetrators of this hoaxes get away with ruining you mentally and financially.

  • 18.10.24 09:34 freidatollerud

    The growth of WIN44 in Brazil is very interesting! If you're looking for more options for online betting and casino games, I recommend checking out Casinos in Brazil. It's a reliable platform that offers a wide variety of games and provides a safe and enjoyable experience for users. It's worth checking out! https://win44.vip

  • 31.10.24 00:13 ytre89

    Can those who have fallen victim to fraud get their money back? Yes, you might be able to get back what was taken from you if you fell prey to a fraud from an unregulated investing platform or any other scam, but only if you report it to the relevant authorities. With the right plan and supporting documentation, you can get back what you've lost. Most likely, the individuals in control of these unregulated platforms would attempt to convince you that what happened to your money was a sad accident when, in fact, it was a highly skilled heist. You should be aware that there are resources out there to help you if you or someone you know has experienced one of these circumstances. Do a search using (deftrecoup (.) c o m). Do not let the perpetrators of this hoaxes get away with ruining you mentally and financially.

  • 02.11.24 14:44 diannamendoza732

    In the world of Bitcoin recovery, Pro Wizard Gilbert truly represents the gold standard. My experience with Gilbert revealed just how exceptional his methods are and why he stands out as the premier authority in this critical field. When I first encountered the complexities of Bitcoin recovery, I was daunted by the technical challenges and potential risks. Gilbert’s approach immediately distinguished itself through its precision and effectiveness. His methods are meticulously designed, combining cutting-edge techniques with an in-depth understanding of the Bitcoin ecosystem. He tackled the recovery process with a level of expertise and thoroughness that was both impressive and reassuring. What sets Gilbert’s methods apart is not just their technical sophistication but also their strategic depth. He conducts a comprehensive analysis of each case, tailoring his approach to address the unique aspects of the situation. This personalized strategy ensures that every recovery effort is optimized for success. Gilbert’s transparent communication throughout the process was invaluable, providing clarity and confidence during each stage of the recovery. The results I achieved with Pro Wizard Gilbert’s methods were remarkable. His gold standard approach not only recovered my Bitcoin but did so with an efficiency and reliability that exceeded my expectations. His deep knowledge, innovative techniques, and unwavering commitment make him the definitive expert in Bitcoin recovery. For anyone seeking a benchmark in Bitcoin recovery solutions, Pro Wizard Gilbert’s methods are the epitome of excellence. His ability to blend technical prowess with strategic insight truly sets him apart in the industry. Call: for help. You may get in touch with them at ; Email: (prowizardgilbertrecovery(@)engineer.com) Telegram ; https://t.me/Pro_Wizard_Gilbert_Recovery Homepage ; https://prowizardgilbertrecovery.info

  • 12.11.24 00:50 TERESA

    Brigadia Tech Remikeable recovery has exhibited unparalleled strength in the realm of recovery. They stand out as the premier team to collaborate with if you encounter withdrawal difficulties from the platform where you’ve invested. Recently, I engaged with them to recover over a million dollars trapped in an investment platform I’d been involved with for months. I furnished their team with every detail of the investment, including accounts, names, and wallet addresses to which I sent the funds. This decision proved to be the best I’ve made, especially after realizing the company had scammed me. Brigadia Tech Remikeable recovery ensures exemplary service delivery and ensures the perpetrators face justice. They employ advanced techniques to ensure you regain access to your funds. Understandably, many individuals who have fallen victim to investment scams may still regret engaging in online services again due to the trauma of being scammed. However, I implore you to take action. Seek assistance from Brigadia Tech Remikeable Recovery Experts today and witness their remarkable capabilities. I am grateful that I resisted their enticements, and despite the time it took me to discover brigadia tech recovery, they ultimately fulfilled my primary objective. Without Brigadia Tech Recovery's intervention, I would have remained despondent and perplexed indefinitely. Also if you are looking for the best and safest investment company you can contact them, for wallet recovery, difficult withdrawal, etc. I am so happy to keep getting my daily BTC, all I do is keep 0.1 BTC in my mining wallet with the help of Brigadia Tech. They connected me to his mining stream and I earn 0.4 btc per day with this, my daily profit. I can get myself a new house and car. I can’t believe I have thousands of dollars in my bank account. Now you can get in. ([email protected]) Telegram +1 (323)-9 1 0 -1 6 0 5

  • 17.11.24 09:31 Vivianlocke223

    Have You Fallen Victim to Cryptocurrency Fraud? If your Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies were stolen due to scams or fraudulent activities, Free Crypto Recovery Fixed is here to help you recover what’s rightfully yours. As a leading recovery service, we specialize in restoring lost cryptocurrency and assisting victims of fraud — no matter how long ago the incident occurred. Our experienced team leverages cutting-edge tools and expertise to trace and recover stolen assets, ensuring swift and secure results. Don’t let scammers jeopardize your financial security. With Free Crypto Recovery Fixed, you’re putting your trust in a reliable and dedicated team that prioritizes recovering your assets and ensuring their future protection. Take the First Step Toward Recovery Today! 📞 Text/Call: +1 407 212 7493 ✉️ Email: [email protected] 🌐 Website: https://freecryptorecovery.net Let us help you regain control of your financial future — swiftly and securely.

  • 19.11.24 03:06 [email protected]

    My entire existence fell apart when a malevolent hacker recently gained access to my online accounts. I felt violated and extremely uneasy after discovering that the digital platforms I depended on for communication, employment, and finances had been compromised. Regaining control and restoring my digital security was an overwhelming task in the immediate aftermath. To help me navigate the difficult process of recovering my accounts and getting my peace of mind back, TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT came into my life as a ray of hope. They immediately put their highly skilled professionals to work, thoroughly examining the vulnerability and methodically preventing unwanted access. They guided me through each stage soothingly, explaining what was occurring and why, so I never felt lost or alone. They communicated with service providers to restore my legitimate access while skillfully navigating the complex labyrinth of account recovery procedures. My digital footprint was cleaned and strengthened against future attacks thanks to their equally amazing ability to remove any remaining evidence of the hacker's presence. However, TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT actual worth went beyond its technical aspects. They offered constant emotional support during the ordeal, understanding my fragility and sense of violation. My tense nerves were calmed by their comforting presence and kind comments, which served as a reminder that I wasn't alone in this struggle. With their help, I was able to reestablish my sense of security and control, which enabled me to return my attention to the significant areas of my life that had been upended. Ultimately, TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT all-encompassing strategy not only recovered my online accounts but also my general peace of mind, which is a priceless result for which I am incredibly appreciative of their knowledge and kindness. Make the approach and send a message to TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT Via Web site <> www://trustgeekshackexpert.com/-- E>mail: Trustgeekshackexpert(At)fastservice..com -- TeleGram,<> Trustgeekshackexpert

  • 19.11.24 03:07 [email protected]

    My entire existence fell apart when a malevolent hacker recently gained access to my online accounts. I felt violated and extremely uneasy after discovering that the digital platforms I depended on for communication, employment, and finances had been compromised. Regaining control and restoring my digital security was an overwhelming task in the immediate aftermath. To help me navigate the difficult process of recovering my accounts and getting my peace of mind back, TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT came into my life as a ray of hope. They immediately put their highly skilled professionals to work, thoroughly examining the vulnerability and methodically preventing unwanted access. They guided me through each stage soothingly, explaining what was occurring and why, so I never felt lost or alone. They communicated with service providers to restore my legitimate access while skillfully navigating the complex labyrinth of account recovery procedures. My digital footprint was cleaned and strengthened against future attacks thanks to their equally amazing ability to remove any remaining evidence of the hacker's presence. However, TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT actual worth went beyond its technical aspects. They offered constant emotional support during the ordeal, understanding my fragility and sense of violation. My tense nerves were calmed by their comforting presence and kind comments, which served as a reminder that I wasn't alone in this struggle. With their help, I was able to reestablish my sense of security and control, which enabled me to return my attention to the significant areas of my life that had been upended. Ultimately, TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT all-encompassing strategy not only recovered my online accounts but also my general peace of mind, which is a priceless result for which I am incredibly appreciative of their knowledge and kindness. Make the approach and send a message to TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT Via Web site <> www://trustgeekshackexpert.com/-- E>mail: Trustgeekshackexpert(At)fastservice..com -- TeleGram,<> Trustgeekshackexpert

  • 21.11.24 04:14 ronaldandre617

    Being a parent is great until your toddler figures out how to use your devices. One afternoon, I left my phone unattended for just a few minutes rookie mistake of the century. I thought I’d take a quick break, but little did I know that my curious little genius was about to embark on a digital adventure. By the time I came back, I was greeted by two shocking revelations: my toddler had somehow managed to buy a $5 dinosaur toy online and, even more alarmingly, had locked me out of my cryptocurrency wallet holding a hefty $75,000. Yes, you heard that right a dinosaur toy was the least of my worries! At first, I laughed it off. I mean, what toddler doesn’t have a penchant for expensive toys? But then reality set in. I stared at my phone in disbelief, desperately trying to guess whatever random string of gibberish my toddler had typed as a new password. Was it “dinosaur”? Or perhaps “sippy cup”? I felt like I was in a bizarre game of Password Gone Wrong. Every attempt led to failure, and soon the laughter faded, replaced by sheer panic. I was in way over my head, and my heart raced as the countdown of time ticked away. That’s when I decided to take action and turned to Digital Tech Guard Recovery, hoping they could solve the mystery that was my toddler’s handiwork. I explained my predicament, half-expecting them to chuckle at my misfortune, but they were incredibly professional and empathetic. Their confidence put me at ease, and I knew I was in good hands. Contact With WhatsApp: +1 (443) 859 - 2886  Email digital tech guard . com  Telegram: digital tech guard recovery . com  website link :: https : // digital tech guard . com Their team took on the challenge like pros, employing their advanced techniques to unlock my wallet with a level of skill I can only describe as magical. As I paced around, anxiously waiting for updates, I imagined my toddler inadvertently locking away my life savings forever. But lo and behold, it didn’t take long for Digital Tech Guard Recovery to work their magic. Not only did they recover the $75,000, but they also gave me invaluable tips on securing my wallet better like not leaving it accessible to tiny fingers! Who knew parenting could lead to such dramatic situations? Crisis averted, and I learned my lesson: always keep my devices out of reach of little explorers. If you ever find yourself in a similar predicament whether it’s tech-savvy toddlers or other digital disasters don’t hesitate to reach out to Digital Tech Guard Recovery. They saved my funds and my sanity, proving that no challenge is too great, even when it involves a toddler’s mischievous fingers!

  • 21.11.24 08:02 Emily Hunter

    If I hadn't found a review online and filed a complaint via email to support@deftrecoup. com , the people behind this unregulated scheme would have gotten away with leaving me in financial ruins. It was truly the most difficult period of my life.

  • 22.11.24 04:41 [email protected]

    I never could have imagined the nightmare of losing access to my digital wallet. All of my cryptocurrency holdings were abruptly imprisoned, inaccessible, and appeared to be lost forever following a catastrophic hardware breakdown. Years of meticulous investment and careful saving were reduced to nothing more than strings of code that I could no longer control, and I could feel the dread and sorrow that swept through me at that very instant. Thankfully, during my worst moment, I came into (TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT), a professional service devoted to recovering lost or inaccessible digital data. With optimism, I went out to their team of skilled technologists, laying bare the full nature of my issue. What followed was a laborious, multi-step process that required an almost surgical level of digital forensics and Bitcoin skill. In order to create a thorough profile of my wallet's contents and activities, the (TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT) team first thoroughly examined the transaction history and metadata connected to it. Next, they implemented a series of advanced recovery techniques, using cutting-edge software tools to bypass the access barriers that had left me locked out. The entire process was shrouded in secrecy and discretion, with the (TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT) team working tirelessly to protect the confidentiality of my sensitive financial information. After what felt like an eternity of nervous anticipation, the day finally arrived when I received the triumphant notification – my wallet had been successfully restored, and all of my precious digital assets had been returned to my control. The sense of relief was indescribable, as I could finally breathe easy knowing that the fruits of my financial discipline had been safeguarded. While the experience of losing access to my wallet was undoubtedly traumatic, (TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT) intervention allowed me to emerge from the ordeal with my cryptocurrency holdings intact, and a renewed appreciation for the importance of proactive digital asset management. You can contact Them through EMAIL: [email protected] - TELEGRAM: TRUSTGEEKSHACKEXPERT

  • 22.11.24 15:26 cliftonhandyman

    Your Lost Bitcoins Are Not Gone Forever? Enquire From iBolt Cyber Hacker iBolt Cyber Hacker is a cybersecurity service that specializes in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency recovery. Even if your Bitcoin is locked away in a scammer inaccessible wallet, they have the tools and expertise to retrieve it. Many people, including seasoned cryptocurrency investors, face the daunting possibility of never seeing their lost funds again. iBolt cyber hacker service is a potential lifeline in these situations. I understand the concerns many people might have about trusting a third-party service to recover their Bitcoin. iBolt Cyber Hacker takes security seriously, implementing encryption and stringent privacy protocols. I was assured that no sensitive data would be compromised during the recovery process. Furthermore, their reputation in the cryptocurrency community, based on positive feedback from previous clients, gave me confidence that I was in good hands. Whtp +39, 351..105, 3619 Em.ail: ibolt @ cyber- wizard. co m

  • 22.11.24 23:43 teresaborja

    all thanks to Tech Cyber Force Recovery expert assistance. As a novice in cryptocurrency, I had been carefully accumulating a modest amount of Bitcoin, meticulously safeguarding my digital wallet and private keys. However, as the adage goes, the best-laid plans can often go awry, and that's precisely what happened to me. Due to a series of technical mishaps and human errors, I found myself locked out of my Bitcoin wallet, unable to access the fruits of my digital labors. Panic set in as I frantically searched for a solution, scouring the internet for any glimmer of hope. That's when I stumbled upon the Tech Cyber Force Recovery team, a group of seasoned cryptocurrency specialists who had built a reputation for their ability to recover lost or inaccessible digital assets. Skeptical at first, I reached out, desperate for a miracle. To my utter amazement, the Tech Cyber Force Recovery experts quickly assessed my situation and devised a meticulous plan of attack. Through their deep technical knowledge, unwavering determination, and a keen eye for detail, they were able to navigate the complex labyrinth of blockchain technology, ultimately recovering my entire Bitcoin portfolio. What had once seemed like a hopeless endeavor was now a reality, and I found myself once again in possession of my digital wealth, all thanks to the incredible efforts of the Tech Cyber Force Recovery team. This experience has not only restored my faith in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Still, it has also instilled in me a profound appreciation for the critical role that expert recovery services can play in safeguarding one's digital assets.   ENAIL < Tech cybers force recovery @ cyber services. com >   WEBSITE < ht tps : // tech cyber force recovery. info  >   TEXT < +1. 561. 726. 3697 >

  • 24.11.24 02:21 [email protected]

    I never could have imagined the nightmare of losing access to my digital wallet. All of my cryptocurrency holdings were abruptly imprisoned, inaccessible, and appeared to be lost forever following a catastrophic hardware breakdown. Years of meticulous investment and careful saving were reduced to nothing more than strings of code that I could no longer control, and I could feel the dread and sorrow that swept through me at that very instant. Thankfully, during my worst moment, I came into (TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT), a professional service devoted to recovering lost or inaccessible digital data. With optimism, I went out to their team of skilled technologists, laying bare the full nature of my issue. What followed was a laborious, multi-step process that required an almost surgical level of digital forensics and Bitcoin skill. In order to create a thorough profile of my wallet's contents and activities, the (TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT) team first thoroughly examined the transaction history and metadata connected to it. Next, they implemented a series of advanced recovery techniques, using cutting-edge software tools to bypass the access barriers that had left me locked out. The entire process was shrouded in secrecy and discretion, with the (TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT) team working tirelessly to protect the confidentiality of my sensitive financial information. After what felt like an eternity of nervous anticipation, the day finally arrived when I received the triumphant notification – my wallet had been successfully restored, and all of my precious digital assets had been returned to my control. The sense of relief was indescribable, as I could finally breathe easy knowing that the fruits of my financial discipline had been safeguarded. While the experience of losing access to my wallet was undoubtedly traumatic, (TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT) intervention allowed me to emerge from the ordeal with my cryptocurrency holdings intact, and a renewed appreciation for the importance of proactive digital asset management. You can contact Them through EMAIL: [email protected] - TELEGRAM: TRUSTGEEKSHACKEXPERT

  • 25.11.24 02:19 briankennedy


  • 25.11.24 02:20 briankennedy

    After countless hours of research and desperate attempts to find a solution, I stumbled upon FASTFUND RECOVERY. It was like finding an oasis in the middle of a desert. Their website promised to help victims of scams reclaim what was rightfully theirs, and I instantly knew I had to give them a shot. Before diving headfirst into the recovery process, I wanted to make sure that FASTFUND RECOVERY was the real deal. So, I did my due diligence and looked into their expertise and reputation. To my relief, I found that they had an impeccable track record, successfully assisting countless individuals in recovering their lost funds. Their team consisted of experts in cybersecurity and financial fraud, armed with the knowledge and tools needed to tackle even the most intricate scams. With their reputation preceding them, I felt a renewed sense of hope. FASTFUND RECOVERY successfully came to my aid and got back the amount I lost to these scammers and for this, I am sending this article for clarification. The info of FASTFUND RECOVERY is email: Fastfundrecovery8 (@)Gmail (.) com. Web fastfundrecovery(.)com. (W/A 1 807/500/7554)

  • 26.11.24 21:59 [email protected]

    In a world brimming with enticing investment opportunities, it is crucial to tread carefully. The rise of digital currencies has attracted many eager investors, but along with this excitement lurk deceitful characters ready to exploit the unsuspecting. I learned this lesson the hard way, and I want to share my story in the hopes that it can save someone from making the same mistakes I did. It all began innocently enough when I came across an engaging individual on Facebook. Lured in by promises of high returns in the cryptocurrency market, I felt the electric thrill of potential wealth coursing through me. Initial investments returned some profits, and that exhilarating taste of success fueled my ambition. Encouraged by a meager withdrawal, I decided to commit even more funds. This was the moment I let my guard down, blinded by greed. As time went on, the red flags started to multiply. The moment I tried to withdraw my earnings, a cascade of unreasonable fees appeared like a thick mist, obscuring the truth. “Just a little more,” they said, “Just until the next phase.” I watched my hard-earned money slip through my fingers as I scraped together every last cent to pay those relentless fees. My trust had become my downfall. In the end, I lost not just a significant amount of cash, but my peace of mind about $1.1 million vanished into the abyss of false promises and hollow guarantees. But despair birthed hope. After a cascade of letdowns, I enlisted the help of KAY-NINE CYBER SERVICES, a team that specializes in reclaiming lost funds from scams. Amazingly, they worked tirelessly to piece together what had been ripped away, providing me with honest guidance when I felt utterly defeated. Their expertise in navigating the treacherous waters of crypto recovery was a lifeline I desperately needed. To anyone reading this, please let my story serve as a warning. High returns often come wrapped in the guise of deception. Protect your investments, scrutinize every opportunity, and trust your instincts. Remember, the allure of quick riches can lead you straight to heartbreak, but with cautious determination and support, it is possible to begin healing from such devastating loss. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and may you choose your investment paths wisely. Email: kaynine @ cyberservices . com

  • 26.11.24 23:12 rickrobinson8


  • 26.11.24 23:12 rickrobinson8

    Although recovering from the terrible effects of investment fraud can seem like an impossible task, it is possible to regain financial stability and go on with the correct assistance and tools. In my own experience with Wizard Web Recovery, a specialized company that assisted me in navigating the difficulties of recouping my losses following my fall prey to a sophisticated online fraud, that was undoubtedly the case. My life money had disappeared in an instant, leaving me in a state of shock when I first contacted Spartan Tech Group Retrieval through this Email: spartantechretrieval (@) g r o u p m a i l .c o m The compassionate and knowledgeable team there quickly put my mind at ease, outlining a clear and comprehensive plan of action. They painstakingly examined every aspect of my case, using their broad business contacts and knowledge to track the movement of my pilfered money. They empowered me to make knowledgeable decisions regarding the rehabilitation process by keeping me updated and involved at every stage. But what I valued most was their unrelenting commitment and perseverance; they persisted in trying every option until a sizable amount of my lost money had been successfully restored. It was a long and arduous journey, filled with ups and downs, but having Spartan Tech Group Retrieval in my corner made all the difference. Thanks to their tireless efforts, I was eventually able to rebuild my financial foundation and reclaim a sense of security and control over my life. While the emotional scars of investment fraud may never fully heal, working with this remarkable organization played a crucial role in my ability to move forward and recover. For proper talks, contact on WhatsApp:+1 (971) 4 8 7 - 3 5 3 8 and Telegram:+1 (581) 2 8 6 - 8 0 9 2 Thank you for your time reading as it will be of help.

  • 27.11.24 00:39 [email protected]

    Although recovering lost or inaccessible Bitcoin can be difficult and unpleasant, it is frequently possible to get back access to one's digital assets with the correct help and direction. Regarding the subject at hand, the examination of Trust Geeks Hack Expert Website www://trustgeekshackexpert.com/ assistance after an error emphasizes how important specialized services may be in negotiating the difficulties of Bitcoin recovery. These providers possess the technical expertise and resources necessary to assess the situation, identify the root cause of the issue, and devise a tailored solution to retrieve the lost funds. By delving deeper into the specifics of Trust Geeks Hack Expert approach, we can gain valuable insights into the nuances of this process. Perhaps they leveraged advanced blockchain analysis tools to trace the transaction history and pinpoint the location of the missing Bitcoins. Or they may have collaborated with the relevant parties, such as exchanges or wallet providers, to facilitate the recovery process. Equally important is the level of personalized support and communication that Trust Geeks Hack Expert likely provided, guiding the affected individual through each step of the recovery effort and offering reassurance during what can be an anxious and uncertain time. The success of their efforts, as evidenced by the positive outcome, underscores the importance of seeking out reputable and experienced service providers when faced with a Bitcoin-related mishap, as they possess the specialized knowledge and resources to navigate these challenges and restore access to one's digital assets. Email.. [email protected]

  • 27.11.24 09:10 Michal Novotny

    The biggest issue with cryptocurrency is that it is unregulated, wh ich is why different people can come up with different fake stories all the time, and it is unfortunate that platforms like Facebook and others only care about the money they make from them through ads. I saw an ad on Facebook for Cointiger and fell into the scam, losing over $30,000. I reported it to Facebook, but they did nothing until I discovered deftrecoup . c o m from a crypto community; they retrieved approximately 95% of the total amount I lost.

  • 01.12.24 17:21 KollanderMurdasanu

    REACH OUT TO THEM WhatsApp + 156 172 63 697 Telegram (@)Techcyberforc We were in quite a bit of distress. The thrill of our crypto investments, which had once sparked excitement in our lives, was slowly turning into anxiety when my husband pointed out unusual withdrawal issues. At first, we brushed it off as minor glitches, but the situation escalated when we found ourselves facing login re-validation requests that essentially locked us out of our crypto wallet—despite entering the correct credentials. Frustrated and anxious, we sought advice from a few friends, only to hit a wall of uncertainty. Turning to the vast expanse of the internet felt daunting, but in doing so, we stumbled upon TECH CYBER FORCE RECOVERY. I approached them with a mix of skepticism and hope; after all, my understanding of these technical matters was quite limited. Yet, from our very first interaction, it was clear that they were the experts we desperately needed. They walked us through the intricacies of the recovery process, patiently explaining each mechanism—even if some of it went over my head, their reassurance was calming. Our responsibility was simple: to provide the correct information to prove our ownership of the crypto account, and thankfully, we remained on point in our responses. in a timely fashion, TECH CYBER FORCE RECOVERY delivered on their promises, addressing all our withdrawal and access issues exactly when they said they would. The relief we felt was immense, and the integrity they displayed made me confident in fully recommending their services. If you ever find yourself in a similar predicament with your crypto investments, I wholeheartedly suggest reaching out to them. You can connect with TECH CYBER FORCE RECOVERY through their contact details for assistance and valuable guidance. Remember, hope is only a reach away!

  • 02.12.24 23:02 ytre89

    Online crypto investment can seem like a promising opportunity, but it's crucial to recognize that there are no guarantees. My experience serves as a stark reminder of this reality. I was drawn in by the allure of high returns and the persuasive marketing tactics employed by various brokers. Their polished presentations and testimonials made it seem easy to profit from cryptocurrency trading. Everything appeared to be legitimate. I received enticing messages about the potential for substantial gains, and the brokers seemed knowledgeable and professional. Driven by excitement and the fear of missing out, I invested a significant amount of my savings. The promise of quick profits overshadowed the red flags I should have noticed. I trusted these brokers without conducting proper research, which was a major mistake. As time went on, I realized that the promised returns were nothing but illusions. My attempts to withdraw funds were met with endless excuses and delays. It became painfully clear that I had fallen victim. The reality hit hard: my hard-earned money was gone, I lost my peace of mind and sanity. In my desperation, I sought help from a company called DEFTRECOUP. That was the turning point for me as I had a good conversation and eventually filed a complaint via DEFTRECOUP COM. They were quite delicate and ensured I got out of the most difficult situation of my life in one piece.

  • 04.12.24 22:24 andreygagloev

    When I first heard about Bitcoin back in 2018, I was skeptical. The idea of a decentralized, digital currency seemed too good to be true. But I was intrigued as I learned more about the technology behind it and its potential. I started small, investing just a few hundred dollars, dipping my toes into the cryptocurrency waters. At first, it was exhilarating to watch the value of my investment grow exponentially. I felt like I was part of the future, an early adopter of this revolutionary new asset. But that euphoria was short-lived. One day, I logged into my digital wallet only to find it empty - my Bitcoin had vanished without a trace. It turned out that the online exchange I had trusted had been hacked, and my funds were stolen. I was devastated, both financially and emotionally. All the potential I had seen in Bitcoin was tainted by the harsh reality that with decentralization came a lack of regulation and oversight. My hard-earned money was gone, lost to the ether of the digital world. This experience taught me a painful lesson about the price of trust in the uncharted territory of cryptocurrency. While the technology holds incredible promise, the risks can be catastrophic if you don't approach it with extreme caution. My Bitcoin investment gamble had failed, and I was left to pick up the pieces, wiser but poorer for having placed my faith in the wrong hands. My sincere appreciation goes to MUYERN TRUST HACKER. You are my hero in recovering my lost funds. Send a direct m a i l ( muyerntrusted ( @ ) mail-me ( . )c o m ) or message on whats app : + 1 ( 4-4-0 ) ( 3 -3 -5 ) ( 0-2-0-5 )

  • 12.12.24 00:35 amandagregory


  • 12.12.24 00:35 amandagregory

    HOW TO HIRE A HACKER TO RECOVER STOLEN BITCOIN WITH FASTFUND RECOVERY... A few months ago, I made a huge mistake. I invested in what seemed like a legitimate crypto opportunity, only to find out I’d been scammed. I lost a significant amount of money, and the scam platform vanished overnight. I felt completely lost.I had heard of Fastfund Recovery and decided to reach out, even though I was skeptical. From the first conversation, they made me feel heard and understood. They explained the recovery process clearly and kept me updated every step of the way.Within weeks, Fastfund Recovery successfully to recovered my lost funds—something I honestly didn’t think was possible. Their team was professional, transparent, and genuinely caring. I can’t thank them enough for turning a nightmare into a hopeful outcome. If you’re in a similar situation, don’t hesitate to contact them. They truly deliver on their promises. Gmail::: fastfundrecovery8(@)gmail com .....Whatsapp ::: 1::807::::500::::7554

  • 19.12.24 17:07 rebeccabenjamin

    USDT RECOVERY EXPERT REVIEWS DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION It's great to hear that you've found a way to recover your Bitcoin and achieve financial stability, but I urge you to be cautious with services like DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION Recovery." While it can be tempting to turn to these companies when you’re desperate to recover lost funds, many such services are scams, designed to exploit those in vulnerable situations. Always research thoroughly before engaging with any recovery service. In the world of cryptocurrency, security is crucial. To protect your assets, use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and consider using cold wallets (offline storage) for long-term storage. If you do seek professional help, make sure the company is reputable and has positive, verifiable reviews from trusted sources. While it’s good that you found a solution, it’s also important to be aware of potential scams targeting cryptocurrency users. Stay informed about security practices, and make sure you take every step to safeguard your investments. If you need help with crypto security tips or to find trustworthy resources, feel free to ask! [email protected] +13433030545 [email protected]

  • 24.12.24 08:33 dddana

    Отличная подборка сервисов! Хотелось бы дополнить список рекомендацией: нажмите сюда - https://airbrush.com/background-remover. Этот инструмент отлично справляется с удалением фона, сохраняя при этом высокое качество изображения. Очень удобен для быстрого редактирования фото. Было бы здорово увидеть его в вашей статье!

  • 27.12.24 00:21 swiftdream

    I lost about $475,000.00 USD to a fake cryptocurrency trading platform a few weeks back after I got lured into the trading platform with the intent of earning a 15% profit daily trading on the platform. It was a hell of a time for me as I could hardly pay my bills and got me ruined financially. I had to confide in a close friend of mine who then introduced me to this crypto recovery team with the best recovery SWIFTDREAM i contacted them and they were able to completely recover my stolen digital assets with ease. Their service was superb, and my problems were solved in swift action, It only took them 48 hours to investigate and track down those scammers and my funds were returned to me. I strongly recommend this team to anyone going through a similar situation with their investment or fund theft to look up this team for the best appropriate solution to avoid losing huge funds to these scammers. Send complaint to Email: info [email protected]

  • 31.12.24 04:53 Annette_Phillips

    There are a lot of untrue recommendations and it's hard to tell who is legit. If you have lost crypto to scam expresshacker99@gmailcom is the best option I can bet on that cause I have seen lot of recommendations about them and I'm a witness on their capabilities. They will surely help out. Took me long to find them. The wonderful part is no upfront fee till crypto is recover successfully that's how genuine they are.

  • 04.01.25 04:56 florencestella


  • 04.01.25 04:57 florencestella

    THE BEST CERTIFIED CRYPTOCURRENCY RECOVERY EXPERT DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION It sounds like you went through a very frustrating experience with Cointrack, where your access to your own funds was unjustly restricted for months without clear communication or a solution. The extended periods of account freezes, lack of transparency, and vague customer support responses would make anyone anxious. It’s understandable that you suspected the issue could be related to your login activity, but it’s surprising that something as minor as using the same Wi-Fi network could trigger such severe restrictions. I’m glad to hear that DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION Recovery was able to help you get your account unlocked and resolve the issue. It’s unfortunate that you had to seek third-party assistance, but it’s a relief that the situation was eventually addressed. If you plan on using any platforms like this again, you might want to be extra cautious, especially when dealing with sensitive financial matters. And if you ever need to share your experience to help others avoid similar issues, feel free to reach out. It might be helpful for others to know about both the pitfalls and the eventual resolution through services like DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION Recovery. [email protected] +13433030545 [email protected]

  • 06.01.25 19:09 michaeljordan15

    We now live in a world where most business transactions are conducted through Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. With the rapid growth of digital currencies, everyone seems eager to get involved in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency investments. This surge in interest has unfortunately led to the rise of many fraudulent platforms designed to exploit unsuspecting individuals. People are often promised massive profits, only to lose huge sums of money when they realize the platform they invested in was a scam. contact with WhatsApp: +1 (443) 859 - 2886 Email @ digitaltechguard.com Telegram: digitaltechguardrecovery.com website link:: https://digitaltechguard.com This was exactly what happened to me five months ago. I was excited about the opportunity to invest in Bitcoin, hoping to earn a steady return of 20%. I found a platform that seemed legitimate and made my investment, eagerly anticipating the day when I would be able to withdraw my earnings. When the withdrawal day arrived, however, I encountered an issue. My bank account was not credited, despite seeing my balance and the supposed profits in my account on the platform. At first, I assumed it was just a technical glitch. I thought, "Maybe it’s a delay in the system, and everything will be sorted out soon." However, when I tried to contact customer support, the line was either disconnected or completely unresponsive. My doubts started to grow, but I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt and waited throughout the day to see if the situation would resolve itself. But by the end of the day, I realized something was terribly wrong. I had been swindled, and my hard-earned money was gone. The realization hit me hard. I had fallen victim to one of the many fraudulent Bitcoin platforms that promise high returns and disappear once they have your money. I knew I had to act quickly to try and recover what I had lost. I started searching online for any possible solutions, reading reviews and recommendations from others who had faced similar situations. That’s when I came across many positive reviews about Digital Tech Guard Recovery. After reading about their success stories, I decided to reach out and use their services. I can honestly say that Digital Tech Guard Recovery exceeded all my expectations. Their team was professional, efficient, and transparent throughout the process. Within a short time, they helped me recover a significant portion of my lost funds, which I thought was impossible. I am incredibly grateful to Digital Tech Guard Recovery for their dedication and expertise in helping me get my money back. If you’ve been scammed like I was, don’t lose hope. There are solutions, and Digital Tech Guard Recovery is truly one of the best. Thank you, Digital Tech Guard Recovery! You guys are the best. Good luck to everyone trying to navigate this challenging space. Stay safe.

  • 18.01.25 12:41 michaeldavenport218

    I was recently scammed out of $53,000 by a fraudulent Bitcoin investment scheme, which added significant stress to my already difficult health issues, as I was also facing cancer surgery expenses. Desperate to recover my funds, I spent hours researching and consulting other victims, which led me to discover the excellent reputation of Capital Crypto Recover, I came across a Google post It was only after spending many hours researching and asking other victims for advice that I discovered Capital Crypto Recovery’s stellar reputation. I decided to contact them because of their successful recovery record and encouraging client testimonials. I had no idea that this would be the pivotal moment in my fight against cryptocurrency theft. Thanks to their expert team, I was able to recover my lost cryptocurrency back. The process was intricate, but Capital Crypto Recovery's commitment to utilizing the latest technology ensured a successful outcome. I highly recommend their services to anyone who has fallen victim to cryptocurrency fraud. For assistance, contact [email protected] Capital Crypto Recover on Telegram OR Call Number +1 (336)390-6684 via email: [email protected]

  • 18.01.25 12:41 michaeldavenport218

    I was recently scammed out of $53,000 by a fraudulent Bitcoin investment scheme, which added significant stress to my already difficult health issues, as I was also facing cancer surgery expenses. Desperate to recover my funds, I spent hours researching and consulting other victims, which led me to discover the excellent reputation of Capital Crypto Recover, I came across a Google post It was only after spending many hours researching and asking other victims for advice that I discovered Capital Crypto Recovery’s stellar reputation. I decided to contact them because of their successful recovery record and encouraging client testimonials. I had no idea that this would be the pivotal moment in my fight against cryptocurrency theft. Thanks to their expert team, I was able to recover my lost cryptocurrency back. The process was intricate, but Capital Crypto Recovery's commitment to utilizing the latest technology ensured a successful outcome. I highly recommend their services to anyone who has fallen victim to cryptocurrency fraud. For assistance, contact [email protected] Capital Crypto Recover on Telegram OR Call Number +1 (336)390-6684 via email: [email protected]

  • 20.01.25 15:39 patricialovick86

    How To Recover Your Bitcoin Without Falling Victim To Scams: A  Testimony Experience With Capital Crypto Recover Services, Contact Telegram: @Capitalcryptorecover Dear Everyone, I would like to take a moment to share my positive experience with Capital Crypto Recover Services. Initially, I was unsure if it would be possible to recover my stolen bitcoins. However, with their expertise and professionalism, I was able to fully recover my funds. Unfortunately, many individuals fall victim to scams in the cryptocurrency space, especially those involving fraudulent investment platforms. However, I advise caution, as not all recovery services are legitimate. I personally lost $273,000 worth of Bitcoin from my Binance account due to a deceptive platform. If you have suffered a similar loss, you may be considering crypto recovery, The Capital Crypto Recover is the most knowledgeable and effective Capital Crypto Recovery Services assisted me in recovering my stolen funds within 24 hours, after getting access to my wallet. Their service was not only prompt but also highly professional and effective, and many recovery services may not be trustworthy. Therefore, I highly recommend Capital Crypto Recover to you. i do always research and see reviews about their service, For assistance finding your misplaced cryptocurrency, get in touch with them, They do their jobs quickly and excellently, Stay safe and vigilant in the crypto world. You can reach them via email at [email protected] OR Call/Text Number +1 (336)390-6684 his contact: [email protected]

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